Results from Org web retrieved at 17:07 (GMT)

FIXME write more here announce #64;gnhlug REMOVE .org
Click a file name link in the `Attachment` column to download/view/open/whatever that file. You can also attach more files. GNHLUGtradeShowBanner2 1.pdf: GNHLUG...
GNHLUG Autumnal Summit 2005 What: GNHLUG state wide organizational/planning meta meeting Who: Everyone interested in bringing GNHLUG forward Where...
These are the meeting notes from the AutumnalSummit2005. Please feel free to comment on them by using the comment box. TedRoche read topics we were to cover....
Now that we`re a real LegalEntity, we`re supposed to get a bank account. Banking needs We`re basically just looking for a checking account. Doesn`t have to earn...
GNHLUG Board of Directors Autumn 2007 What: GNHLUG (state wide) organizational/administrative meeting Who: Everyone interested in bringing GNHLUG forward...
GNHLUG Board of Directors Summer 2007 What: GNHLUG (state wide) organizational/administrative meeting Who: Everyone interested in bringing GNHLUG forward...
Minutes/notes from Autumn 2007 Board Meeting, Saturday, 3 November, 2007, at the Hopkinton, NH Town Library. Attendance Board Members MaddogHall TedRoche...
Notes from the BoardAgendaSummer2007 meeting will go here. .TedRoche 19 Aug 2007 Ben finally gets ahold of the GNHLUG treasury. Thanks to Ben for semi...
As of our 2005 report with the State of NH (see LegalEntityDocuments), the Board of Directors consists of (in order of appearance): Jon Anderson Hall 80 Amherst Street...
Drafted for handouts for the GNHLUG booth at HossTraders. Letter sized poster appropriate to tape to doors with directions to meeting. GNHLUG and logo GNHLUG...
GNHLUG is divided into several smaller `chapters` or `mini LUGs` (see OurChapters). BenScott 03 Apr 2005 Or is GNHLUG an `umbrella` GNHLUG for shared resources...
There are various `computer shows` that take place at semi regular intervals. Some of them happen almost every weekend. They are generally a place where vendors...
To: {The Speaker} CC: {CentralLUG Volunteers} {Speaker} My, how time flies! Your {date} presentation to CentraLUG is only three weeks from next Monday! Thanks for...
The Domain Master is currently ColeTuininga. He works for DynDNS, and gets some free services as part of the deal, and he`s generously offered to let GNHLUG make...
EdLawson 30 Jan 2004 The immediate goal of this project is to help NHSTE with its programs to introduce Linux to school technical personnel and to provide them with...
Status and other information pertaining to the movement of this project are covered in the links below: on programs 31 Mar 2004
This is primarily to demonstrate the workflow abilities of TWiki. But the SummerSummit2005 did occur on this date. BruceDawson 06 Oct 2005
This is a SLUG meeting where many fun and exciting things will be discussed. Sorry I can`t be more specific; this is a demonstration. BruceDawson 06 Oct 2005
This is another demonstration of a future event. Monadlug will be having a meeting on this date.
This topic is primarily to demonstrate the `workflow` aspects of TWiki. But there is also the AutumnalSummit2005 meeting. BruceDawson 06 Oct 2005
Please consider attending the FallGNHLUGQuarterlyMeeting on 3 Nov 2005. CentraLUG should do something to organize car pools up there. CentraLUG`s meeting will be...
The group`s Fearless Leader (AKA Chairperson) is currently .TedRoche. Past leaders have been: Jon (.MadDog) Hall (1995 2000) .JerryKubeck (2000 2001)...
This demonstrates a form that can be attached to each EventAnnouncement topic. This form should be filled in when the topic is created. Name Type Size...
This page has the current list of SWAG available for giving away as MeetingDoorPrizes and similar things. (SWAG Souvenirs, Wearables, And Gifts) If your chapter...
Policy on Harassment (draft by .MadDog, 4 April 2009) The Greater New Hampshire Linux User Group (GNHLUG) is intent on creating a welcoming environment for all of...
Combine the old style `Linux install fest` with elements of our abandoned NewUserNight project to create a HelpFest. A HelpFest would be targeted at anyone who needs...
Overview has been announced that the Hosstraders event itself has been discontinued. Hosstraders was a big hamfest (amateur radio festival) and `flea market for...
GNHLUG Internet Server Overview Our Internet presence currently consists of a web site, a list server, and a few random things. BenScott is the server wrangler as...
Parent: PromotingOurselves One problem we have is reaching our `target market`: Local computer geeks. Computer geeks are notoriously hard to find. They don`t read...
LinuxWorld Expo is held in Boston April 3 6, 2006, with a tradeshow Expo on the 4th, 5th and 6th. GNHLUG is...
Contents Overview This page LegalEntityDocuments Official documents (registration, etc.) LegalEntityHistory Where we`ve been, how we got where we...
Here we collect documents related to our status as a legal entity. This should be `official` documents only, that actual have some force of reality behind them....
An EIN (Employer Identification Number) identifies an organization to the Federal government in particular, the IRS. It is used for way more than just employers...
Efforts have been made before, but not completed, turns out they were Ben to make GNHLUG a registered organization with non profit status. This is noted not to...
Links and references to third party resources that may be useful in managing our status as a legal entity . State of New Hampshire of State Corporate Division...
We are a LegalEntity, a non profit corporation, per the state of NH. However, there is discussion about what kind of non profit status we should seek with the IRS...
This page collects information on the 501(c)(3) (charitable organization) applications process, under the assumption that we are going to try for that. See also LegalEntityType...
What is LibraNet? Libranet is a packaging of the Debian distribution with design goals of getting you started quickly, providing a large number of...
Library Project Overview The `GNHLUG Library Project` is/was an effort to maintain Free/Open Source Software on CD/DVD for local libraries, for them to lend to their...
Some other user groups have evolved to become mouths of their `sponsors`. To prevent that from happening, we decided to limit the influence of commercial entities...
This page lists external web pages that have links to GNHLUG. We need to keep track of these pages, to update and correct any out of date information on them....
We once tried to put on a kind of `Linux expo`. We called it the `Linux Business Show`. We got a lot of volunteers and a lot of interest, but ultimately, we bit...
The ListMaster manages the operation of the various e mail mailing lists. In the past, the lists used to be hosted at ZK3, a building in the vast Digital Equipment...
There are several mailing lists that operate independent of these. See MailingLists for them. The following are aliases at the domain. Note that several...
GNHLUG operates several e mail mailing lists for discussion and dissemination purposes. See MailingLists for the list of lists. Use of the mailing lists is covered...
Places to post meeting announcements are in the table below. Please post notices only to those regions the event is in! Region Paper Submission Page...
See also: MeetingMinutes05Feb2004 This so called `agenda` was created by shamelessly plagiarizing MadDog`s `food for thought` message to gnhlug org (dated 5 Feb...
Some of the things to discuss at this meeting are: Sign papers of incorporation. is getting slaughtered with spam. Will instituting some...
A place to store a template of the email announcement you post to the forums. Helps to remember to mention the time, date, place and where to get directions, etc....
Parent : MeetingGuide Related: MeetingPolicies Table of Contents Continuity It is important for the meeting to take place in it`s normally held place, since...
Door prizes are usually items contributed by some company or individual. Usually they take time and effort to arrange, and you would like them to be given out `fairly...
The GNHLUG Organizer`s Guide to Running a Meeting This guide is mainly for running a `general` meeting, i.e., one intended for all commers. Meetings held for organizational...
This is a list of ideas and suggestions for meetings. Various sources have contributed over the years. This list includes both topics (subject matter) as well as...
Note: this page is a synthesis of the former pages MeetingIdeas and MeetingSpeakers. We`re trying to normalize our redundant data a bit. The following table lists...
This page documents possible meeting locations. Not just the regular ones, but others, past and possible future. Nashua Area Martha`s Exchange 185 Main Street...
See also: MeetingAgenda05Feb2004 Corrections and additions welcome! Attendees Rob Anderson Jon `maddog` Hall Ed Lawson Rob Lembree Ben Scott...
Parent: MeetingGuide Related: MeetingContigencies Table of Contents Introduction These policies are intended to protect the group and it`s members, and to ensure...
Parent: MeetingGuide Table of Contents Giving Notice Advance notice is critical for a successful meeting. Notify early, and notify often. (It is worth noting that...
Parent : MeetingGuide Table of Contents Preparation Stuff to do immediately before the meeting. Check in with facilities staff Hang signs and banners...
The following table lists some speakers and what they are willing to talk about. And check individual TWiki pages (for example: BruceDawson) to see find topics that...
Parent: MeetingGuide Related: ArtWork, GiftStock This is where (someday) you will find posters, arrows, banners, etc., for use at meetings. This page might contain...
Throughout GNHLUG`s life there`s be an active voice against membership fees. The reasons voiced have been: We don`t need membership fees. It would create...
We had a `New User Night` project at one time. It is currently abandoned. The concept of HelpFests has been suggested to replace it. See also the NuN Topic in the...
To: discuss #64;gnhlug REMOVE .org cc: maddog #64;li REMOVE .org Subject: The Old Penguin of the Mountain Date: Sun, 11 May 2003 08:27:56 0400 From: Jon maddog Hall...
The `Org` mailing list is gnhlug org #64;gnhlug REMOVE .org It is for the discussion of `organizational` issues involving GNHLUG. Things like meeting and event planning...
GNHLUG Board Meeting, First Quarter, 2008 What: GNHLUG (state wide) organizational/administrative meeting Who: Everyone interested in bringing GNHLUG...
Notes/minutes from 2008 Q1 Board Meeting go here.
GNHLUG Board Meeting, Third Quarter, 2008 What: GNHLUG (state wide) organizational/administrative meeting Who: Everyone interested in bringing GNHLUG...
notes/minutes from 2008 Q3 Board Meeting currently draft and incomplete further transcription of audio record will follow all formal decisions are already...
GNHLUG Board Meeting 2009 #1 What: GNHLUG (state wide) organizational/administrative meeting Who: Everyone interested in bringing GNHLUG forward...
Notes/minutes from 2009 October Board Meeting. Location Time: Saturday, 3 October, 2009 Space: Small Meeting Room, West Branch of the Manchester Public...
This is a list of `Org Meetings`. These are not General/Regular Meetings, which are about Linux or other techie stuff. See OurChapters for that. These are meetings...
These are the nominal policies of GNHLUG. Note that these pages are presently more descriptive than prescriptive. To the best of the author`s knowledge, they have...
Some of the projects that GNHLUG members are interested in pursuing are: LibraryProject RobLembree EducatorLinuxProject EdLawson HossTraders BenScott...
GNHLUG exists as a LegalEntity, but (so far) mainly for legal purposes, not for actually organizing activities. In order to maintain the LegalEntity, the organizers...
Here`s what I`m thinking: The GNHLUG Web is our `main public` Web The Org Web is our `internal` Web Main Web is reserved for `TWiki operations` by the...
Some ideas for promoting Linux both locally and globally (but mostly locally) by group members and other interested parties are: Active HossTraders Proposed...
One of our chronic problems is getting interest in GNHLUG, both from a `regular membership` standpoint, and from the standpoint of getting volunteers. This page is...
From the ProposedByLaws2005 topic, October 2005, the matching `Articles of Agreement` New Hampshire registration application is in PDF form. Here`s the text, scraped...
Draft of bylaws in Open Office 1.x format and State of New Hampshire filings as a PDF. Please review and comment below. TedRoche 11 Oct 2005 The `original draft...
Bylaws Of The Greater New Hampshire Linux Users Group ARTICLE 1 NAME, PURPOSE Section 1: The name of the organization shall be the Greater New Hampshire Linux...
The major portition of the GNHLUG website is a Wiki system. We are using the TWiki software to power our Wiki. See WorkingOurWeb and PlanForOurWeb for more information...
Here`s proposed text for an announcement to the gnhlug announce list. Feel free to make suggestions or edits. was sent to the gnhlug announce list on 9 Feb...
Content from this page has been moved to ServerMail.
This page is obsolete. It is kept for historical value. For more information, see InternetServer. How should we approach the GNHLUG InternetServer project, from...
The providers that host the VMs that are the server make regular backups. BenScott makes irregular snapshots of the server data on his home systems.
We use a system of scripts called admchange to coordinate changes. The idea is to provide a mechanism to keep various admins (in different locations, and with different...
This section outlines methods and tools used to keep the server from dissolving into a chaotic mess. ServerChangeControl how we go about making non trivial...
Our InternetServer, liberty , provides DNS (Domain Name System) service. We use ISC BIND named . It runs runs chrooted under /var/named/ . liberty is the SOA...
When it comes to our InternetServer, there will be some unavoidable discussion on choice of distro, even if we avoid a prolonged debate. This page gives that discussion...
Introduction The ServerDistro page started off an attempt at an organized decision process on choosing a distribution. The idea was for people to first simply state...
Parent: InternetServer See also: ServerToDo, ServerFromHiveToDebian As of March 2006, this is done. The main web site and TWiki are now running on liberty. GNHLUG...
Notes on test migration to my Debian development server (practice only, I`m not saying we MUST use Debian. Flame OFF.) Server was Debian unstable, about 3 weeks out...
Discussion in progress: sysadmin/2006 April/000332.html Services which WERE hosted by rogue This have all been moved...
For the InternetServer project, we should have some explict goals. What are we trying to accomplish? What aren`t we trying to accomplish? This page is mainly...
This page is obsolete. It is kept for historical value. For more information, see InternetServer. The GNHLUG InternetServer used to be a physical machine, liberty...
If ServerHardware wasn`t enough for you, here are the hardcore tech details, now that I have them. Intel SRMK2 base system (chassis, main board, platform hardware...
History of GNHLUG`s Internet Presence The first GNHLUG Internet thingy was a mailing list, . The listmaster was Mark Gelinas, who worked in building... is a VM/VPS created in a hurry to take over hosting duties for ServerLiberty when we lost our co location on short notice. Services are gradually... was the original server used for the GNHLUG InternetServer project. It took over services from CodeMeta servers hive and rogue . liberty has...
Content from this page moved to ServerMail.
Parent: InternetServer Sub pages ServerMailLists ServerMailSpam See Also MailAliases System (root) mail We need to figure out what...
Parent: ServerMail Peer pages ServerMailSpam See Also MailAliases MailingListPolicy Overview All GNHLUG mailing lists are currently...
Parent: ServerMail Peer pages ServerMailLists See Also MailAliases Overview Spam affects us in two ways: Spam to public contact addresses...
We will want to monitor liberty, to make sure everything is working properly, and have it alert us if that`s not the case. Internal monitoring Both the hardware...
We need to pick a hostname for our InternetServer. Criteria for the name, in roughly descending importance: 1 Easy to type, spell, and say 1 Unambiguous and...
Web Server Overloads In 2023 December, TWiki was upgraded to 6.0.1, and migrated from ServerJustice to ServerPetra. Promptly thereafter, we started seeing kernel...
If you are interested in helping out with administration of the GNHLUG InternetServer, please: 1 Create an account on this website (TWiki), if you haven`t already... is a VM/VPS run by BenScott for various things, including hosting some GNHLUG services. FIXME more detail
Why did we even bother getting our own server? See Also: ServerToDo, ServerGoals Background The GNHLUG websites and mailing lists (and some of the local GNHLUG stuff...
Ideally, it would be nice to have everything on a system under some kind of formal revision control. This would let everyone see who changed what, when they did it...
Our InternetServer will need to be protected against all the Internet nasties (which are legion). Don`t forget to sign your comments! Goals Availability...
This page currently serves no purpose. See InternetServer for a directory of sub pages dealing with software.
This page is obsolete. It is kept for historical value. For more information, see InternetServer. Policies Package management Generally speaking, it is preferred...
This page is obsolete. It is kept for historical value. For more information, see InternetServer. When our InternetServer was a physical machine, liberty.gnhlug...
This is the technical `To Do list` for the GNHLUG InternetServer. Add and update as you like! See also ServerGoals, which is more administrative/political. Base...
Parent: InternetServer General It seems regular (monthly, if not weekly or even daily) software updates have been the norm these days. As some of these updates will...
LocalTWikiDocs has notes on our TWiki implementation in particular. FIXME need lots more here Apache, DNS names, etc.
The idea is that we supply local public libraries with copies of FreeSoftware on CD. Those CDs could then be loaned out to library patrons, just like a book. We...
GNHLUG Spring Summit 2007 What: GNHLUG state wide organizational/planning meta meeting Who: Everyone interested in bringing GNHLUG forward Where...
Agenda Review and adoptions of last meeting`s minutes Appointment of Officers Status of GNHLUG Purchase / possession of GNHLUG server Splitting...
070531 gnhlug summit minutes proof1.pdf: Minutes from 31 May 2007 Board meeting, draft 0.2
Determine what exists currently Determine what members are currently missing out on meetings and try to get them involved (in particular) Pick a date and...
See Also: SummerSummit2005Attendees And: SummerSummit2005Notes TO: GNHLUG activists, Chapter coordinators, board members, volunteers, past activists and interested...
The following people are attending the GNHLUG SummerSummit2005. Notes on what occurred are in the SummerSummit2005Notes. People should include what they are bringing...
GNHLUG Summer Summit 2005 This was held at Bruce and Carole`s farmhouse in Loudon, NH on 20 Aug 2005 between 9:30am and 5:30pm (more or less). It was the response...
GNHLUG Summer Summit 2006 What: GNHLUG state wide organizational/planning meta meeting Who: Everyone interested in bringing GNHLUG forward Where...
Agenda Running Meetings (Wood Badge) maddog couldn`t say enough about the Scout`s `Wood Badge` program to train leaders. (Google it for some interesting tales.)...
What went on at the SummerSummit2006 meeting. Attendees: HeatherBrodeur, MattBrodeur, MadDog Hall, JimKuzdrall, RobLembree, BillMcGonigle, TedRoche, BillSconce,...
Please see WebToDo
How to find the people to enrich the ranks, become volunteers, and let us further our plans for WorldDomination? Who are the people we want to attract? UNIX sysadmins...
A new position, proposed at the SummerSummit2005. A central coordinator to help each of the chapter co ordinators schedule meetings, plan on getting announcements...
This is what the business world calls `IT Resources`. WebSites MailAliases DomainMaster ListMaster WebMaster
Overview The big goal: Allow anyone to telecommute to our meetings and join in. Goals Short term goals: Using existing technology to at least broadcast our meetings...
All new Event Announcements will be created using this template. Typically the user will replace this text with whatever s/he wants to say.
We`ve been offered a booth at USENIX. The conference itself runs June 1st to June 3rd; on May 30th, they`ll be training, but no expo. The LinuxWorld experience was...
Please keep in mind that all of these people are volunteers and do other things for a living! Real Name Wiki Name or Email Comments David...
This is the Org Web in the GNHLUG TWiki. Here is information use for those trying to organize GNHLUG. It mostly covers things like running meetings, findings speakers...
This is a demonstration of how our Wiki can be more useful, making it easier for anyone to add a new event. (The `anyone` can be restricted using TWikiAccessControl...
See also the faster WebTopicList
/Org/ArtWork/penguin oldman state icon.png 1 Web Create New Topic Index (Page List) Search this Web Recent Changes...
The WebMaster group takes care of the web pages at and related sites. If you see something you think should be changed on the GNHLUG web site, you can...
The Watchlist Plugin is now the recommended way to get change notifications. See UsingNotify to learn how to use this page. Subscriptions gnhlug org #64;gnhlug...
Preferences for the Org Web About this page This page is preferences for the entire Org Web (within this overall TWiki site) Web preferences override...
GNHLUG`s Org web /view/Org The Org web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World.
GNHLUG web sites: main web site; currently an `alias` for the GNHLUG Wiki Web our Wiki; you`re reading...
Statistics for Org Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors for...
Mar 2007 729 0 0 40 WebRss 36 WebStatistics 32 WebHome 27 ServerChangeControl 22 MeetingSpeakers 20 MediaOutlets 20 ProposedArticlesOfAgre...
Statistics for Org Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors for...
Statistics for Org Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors for...
Statistics for Org Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors for...
Combined To Do List for this entire web site Intro This page lists site wide or vaguely defined things that want doing, for our web/wiki site, and the software that...
See also the verbose WebIndex.
Hello, and welcome to GNHLUG! We`re always happy to gain new members. :) I`m more than willing to try and answer any questions you may have, or at least try and...
`After all, aren`t we just a bunch of drinkers with a computer problem?` Rich Soule, on the GNHLUG mailing list This topic is currently a little incoherent I...
GNHLUG is: The Greater New Hampshire Linux Users Group. Loosely defined. Somewhat disorganized. But getting better! A bunch of people who say we`re...
This is an extremely quick introduction to using Wiki and TWiki. After you have a basic idea of how to use Wiki, you should check out WorkingOurWeb and PlanForOurWeb...
As reported to the org mailing list on 22 Dec 2006: Two brief meetings were held prior to the Nashua GNHLUG last night. A meeting of the incorporators (those who...
Want to help out with this web site? Great! Here`s how: 1 See WikiCrashCourse to learn about how Wiki and TWiki work 1 Read our PlanForOurWeb so you know where...
The biggest help for Non Profits is removing their work burden. (And learning a new system is a really big burden for a lot of non profits). These are prime candidates...
Projects concerning promotion of Linux in New Hampshire schools The GNHLUG web has a LinuxInSchools page with a few links. (Add some more.) There are two aspects...
Number of topics: 165

See also the faster WebTopicList

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Questions, comments, or concerns? Contact GNHLUG.
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