Note: this page is a synthesis of the former pages MeetingIdeas and MeetingSpeakers. We're trying to normalize our redundant data a bit.

The following table lists some ideas for meeting topics, speakers willing to speak on those topics, and previous instances of these topics being presented at meetings.

If you'd like to add yourself as a possible presenter (pretty please!) do so here, and not in a bunch of other places, so we can have one place to look for meeting planning. Please make sure you have a Main.MyUserName page and add a note there about which GNHLUG's (OurChapters) you're willing to present at.

Also, add topics you're interested in seeing a speaker for.

Note: the above sentences contain the sort of ugly grammar up with which we will not put.

Topic Speakers
The Basics
A "From the Ground Up" Installation session. Maybe with different distributions, how to do dual/multi-boot systems  
Some answers to the "Now what?" feeling one often gets after a successful Linux install  
SuSE NovellInc
Libranet (a packaging of Debian) BillSconce
How to choose hardware  
How to choose hardware that works well with Linux  
Neat hardware  
Using a PalmOS device with Linux EdLawson
Home Automation RobLembree
Laptop sleep/standby/hibernation  
USB Support  
Scalable, mobile computing NextComputing
Hammer/x86-64 RichPayne
User environment
screen - commandline terminal tool to maintain multiple persistent terminals across unreliable/disconnected connections  
Customizing Emacs/vi  
NX - remote terminal services for Linux  
VNC - cross-platform remote GUIs, Virtual Network Computing, including RealVNC and other variations  
X11 RobLembree
Dual-Headed X BenScott
Fluxbox (a lean, mean window manager) BillSconce
Windows Interoperability BenScott
Introduction to Networking BenScott
IPV6: what is it, will it ever arrive, and how to deal with it when it does.  
Mail filtering (complete and end-all)  
exmh PaulLussier
Conferencing software (Video, whiteboard, audio, etc.)  
Cablemodems: tricks of dealing with BenBoulanger
Apache Configuration RichCloutier
Sendmail setup/configuration  
Different Mail clients (compare/contrast (X)pine, mutt, (n)mh/exmh  
Video conferencing  
CollaborationTools an overview of Linux based collaboration tools BruceDawson
TWiki BruceDawson
Network monitoring / Nagios MattBrodeur
ssh BillStearns
SSH tunneling/VPN KarlRunge
DNS RichPayne
NIS RichPayne
NFS RichPayne
TCP/IP RichPayne
Samba and SMB BenScott
IPSec BenScott
L2TP BenScott
OpenS/WAN BenScott
OpenVPN BenScott
X.509 BenScott
diald BenScott
Wiki BenScott
Apache DavidBerube
DTC - GPL'ed web host control panel DavidBerube
WRT54G 3rd-party router firmware TedRoche
Introduction to Wi-Fi BillSconce
Entertainment and education
Gaming (and games) on Linux  
Systems stuff
System Administration Techniques and practices  
Linux Clustering - Making several Linux boxes perform as one  
Virtual Machines and Linux  
Backup and Storage Solutions VaultLogix
Automated System Installs MattBrodeur
LVM BillStearns
Linux as a SOHO Server BenScott
Introduction to CUPS BillSconce
eneral meeting ideas
Demo night of various small applications (organization needed)  
Favorite packages (everyone has their own, maybe a Show'n'Tell?)  
General "help solve problems" meetings - I'm trying to do X, and need help  
Linux on the desktop - We tend to focus on server/admin stuff  
Advocacy, politics, legalities, etc.  
Marketing Linux to: Your Boss, Someone Else's Boss MadDog
Licenses of Open Source (what do they mean)  
Alan Cox Alan Cox
Doc Searles Doc Searles
Ken Coar Ken Coar
Intro to Unix development tools (automake/autoconf, make, cscope, etc.)  
perl BenBoulanger
Java on Linux PaulCourchene
Perl DavidBerube
Ruby DavidBerube
PHP rasmus
PHP-gtk RichPayne
RSS Aggregation DavidBerube
Web Development DavidBerube
Web Spidering DavidBerube
embedded linux RobLembree
kernel internals RobLembree
Introductory LAMP TedRoche
Introduction to Scripting BillSconce
RPM PaulIadonisi
Kylix IDE  
Expect BenBoulanger
Oracle RichardSoule
MySQL TedRoche
phpMyAdmin TedRoche
SQL TedRoche
Database design and normalization TedRoche
Introduction to Security BenScott
PGP/GPG and key signing MattBrodeur
intro to security MarkKomarinski
Introduction to Firewalls - An intro to IP Tables/Netfilter firewall code BenScott
Anti-spam/Virus techniques - How can you deal with Spam/viruses  
Accounting software  
Lilipad: Music typesetter  
Office Automation - Linux Office applications  
Favorite Tools and Productivity applications  
LyX - The WYSIWYM Document Processor PaulLussier
GnuCash PaulLussier
Pilot (HTML for presentations) BillSconce
SciTE (a great, lightweight, intelligent, (and cross-platform) text editor) BillSconce
Gentoo (a two-pane, highly configurable-by-GUI file manager for GTK) BillSconce
GIS software  
CAD Software  
Factory Automation and Bar Coding KurthBemis
gLabels (a great little label maker for all types of labels) EdLawson
Thunderbird (Mozilla e-mail program) EdLawson
Straw (RSS feed reader) EdLawson
J-Pilot (Palm application) EdLawson
Basic productivity/office applications EdLawson
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Topic revision: r5 - 2023-12-13 - BenScott

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