GNHLUG Internet Server
Our Internet presence currently consists of a web site, a list server, and a few random things.
BenScott is the server wrangler as of late.
Volunteers are welcome!
Project Directory
Mostly non-technical (but still important) information and discussion.
Nuts and bolts.
- ServerToDo - Technical laundry list
- ServerSecurity
- Current hosts (actual servers)
- Services (what the server provides)
- ServerDNS - The Domain Name System is kinda important
- ServerMail - Mail related (MTA, lists, anti-spam, etc.)
- ServerWeb - This web thing seems like it's going to catch on
- Maintenance - Keeping things running
- Coordination - tools and techniques to keep this from dissolving into a chaotic mess
Chiefly of historical interest.
- ServerHistory - General overview and timeline
- Past hosts
- ServerLiberty - The first GNHLUG-only server, and the only physical one (to date)
- Getting started
- Migration efforts
- Bike-shedding
- Other