GNHLUG is divided into several smaller "chapters" or "mini-LUGs" (see OurChapters).

-- BenScott - 03 Apr 2005

Or is GNHLUG an "umbrella" GNHLUG for shared resources amongst the several independent ("Live Free or Die") LUGs? In the past year, it's been my experience that few people seem to travel that far, and that Nashua folks rarely make a Concord meeting and vice versa. Independent LUGs are registering their GNHLUG with various organizations, getting free stuff from ORA and other vendors, setting up their own libraries, etc. Part of this may have to do with the "somewhat disorganized" nature of the central organization, (not criticizing, observing), and part with local folks just working locally, perhaps in ignorance.

-- TedRoche - 04 Apr 2005

All of this is according to my memory. Back when Jerry Kubeck and others were active and the chapters were created, it was assumed that GNHLUG would be an overall support mechanism for the chapters. It was thought the chapters would be the active "grassroots" organizations which would have monthly meetings and develop projects, etc. the members would be active via the chapters. GNHLUG was to be responsible for at least annual and maybe quarterly meetings highlighting "big name" speakers, hold larger social events for everyone such as the Christmas parties, be the entity to obtain high grade swag for use by chapters, and provide administration and leadership for the chapters as needed. If you look at this wiki and the sections you can see that its structure was formed with this mission in mind.

When Peterborough and Concord became inactive, the chapter concept imploded and the Durham and Nashua took back, in essence, the mantle of GNHLUG as they had before the chapter concept was floated by Jerry and GNHLUG once again became a group that met in and was mostly centerd in Nashua and Durahm. Now that Concord is thriving due primarily to Dave Berube with help from Ted, Peterborough is on the way back, and Dartmouth has been formed; perhaps it is time to focus again on the concept of GNHLUG's mission of being an umbrella to assist the chapters.

--EdLawson April 5, 2005

The above was imported from WhatWeAre. I guess we're not even sure what we are. :) I figured I would separate the discussion out from the known, to help make the WhatWeAre topic more coherent for info-seekers. I've updated the original to reflect the ill-defined nature of chapters vs GNHLUG.

-- BenScott - 08 Aug 2007

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