These are the meeting notes from the
Please feel free to comment on them by using the comment box.
- TedRoche read topics we were to cover.
- Introductions.
- We need to agree on tasks and schedules.
- Reviewed SummerSummit2005Notes
- Described Incorporation activities
- By-laws well-recieved; some changes suggested.
- 501(c)6 is typically a "trade" organization and is permitted to do lobbying
- 502(c)3 are typically charitable organizations that are not permitted to lobby.
- Discussed pros/cons of incorporating and legal challanges
- Moved to continue pursing incorporation by Ted, 2nded by ToddWarfield.
- BillSconce moved to not have dues. 2nded by BillMcGonigle.
- How to define our membership?
- Marketing.
- Linux trademark is maintained at
. $200/yr annual dues for non-profits to sublicense the trademark should we need to trademark GNHLUG.
- MadDog has indicated Linux International is developing an affiliation program for user groups, not yet ready.
- Meetings
- Heather's position and job was "accepted" and people agreed that she will razz them until they get done what needs done.
- TWiki/automated mechanisms for meeting announcements.
- 3 month lead time for meeting topics and automations.
- Web site
- TWiki use.
- Botnet details.
- Discussion of TWiki webs.
- BenScott will make all the changes to the web site (Put all the GNHLUG web pages under Main, and create a search-all box.)
- Outreach
- Business incubators
- Encourage people to "register" an outreach effort under the GNHLUG.
MadDog gave us his feedback before he had to cancel at the last minute (Thanks maddog!) They are at