_It has been announced that the Hosstraders event itself has been discontinued.
Hosstraders was a big hamfest (amateur radio festival) and "flea market for geeks". It was held twice a year at the Hopkinton Fair grounds. See
HosstradersAnnouncement for more info. Linux and ham radio go together very well. See
HamRadio for why.
GNHLUG tried to have a booth at Hosstraders and do the Linux evangelism thing. We spead the word about Linux in general and GNHLUG in particular. We also had CDs/DVDs with recent Linux software (generally burned to order), which we sold for a buck per CD ($3 per DVD).
BenScott and
MadDog were the last major coordinators for this, but quite a few others help out, and the help was needed and appreciated. Just manning the booth and answering questions helped
a lot. In the past,
EdLawson had sometimes managed to bring a Linux-based ham demo, which really rocked.
Present and past volunteers include:
Ideas for Future Improvements
- More Ham radio demos and knowledge
- A custom CD (bootable or otherwise) with radio-related software on it
- Does this mean "custom with GNHLUG info" or what? Harv's Hamshack Hack is already a bootable, radio-centric Linux distro. -- BenScott - 20 Sep 2006
- Load up some of those junkers with an appropriate linux distro - have them live on the 'Net for webmail, and let people take them home for a modest donation.
- Announcements
- Reserve booth
- Table rental for the booth
- Sign-up warm bodies to man the booth
- Make signs, banners, flyers, etc.
- Download Linux distro disc images
- Gather "Information" (see below)
This information should be saved to hard drive for offline access while at the event, and/or printed out so we have hard copy. Preferrably both.
- Computers with CD recorders
- Power cords and strips
- Ethernet cables and hub
- Blank discs
- Disc sleeves
- Markers
- Rubber bands
- Masking tape
- Index cards
- GNHLUG signs/banners
- GNHLUG flyers (many copies, for distribution)
- GNHLUG "business cards"
- Signs with list of distros/archs and "burned to order" w/ price
- Fans and/or space heaters (depending on weather)
- Umbrella (it always rains)
- Folding chairs
- Extra folding table(s)?
- Small spotlights?
Wireless link back to Ted's House
- Two WRT54G's in WDS mode
- Two directional 2.4GHz antennas, 12dB
- LMR-400 cable with N-to-RP-TNC pigtails
- One PoE injector
- 300' of Ethernet cable
- A couple mounting boards
- ratchet straps for attaching to a tree
- cable ties for stringing up wireless feed wire
- a ladder for getting up in the trees
- A stable DNS server (Ted's ISP can be shakey, c. spring 2006)
- a switch/WAP at the booth for distributing the connection