Recent Changes in Org Web retrieved at 04:24 (GMT)

Statistics for Org Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors for...
Statistics for Org Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors for...
History of GNHLUG`s Internet Presence The first GNHLUG Internet thingy was a mailing list, . The listmaster was Mark Gelinas, who worked in building...
Web Server Overloads In 2023 December, TWiki was upgraded to 6.0.1, and migrated from ServerJustice to ServerPetra. Promptly thereafter, we started seeing kernel...
Combined To Do List for this entire web site Intro This page lists site wide or vaguely defined things that want doing, for our web/wiki site, and the software that...
/Org/ArtWork/penguin oldman state icon.png 1 Web Create New Topic Index (Page List) Search this Web Recent Changes...
The Watchlist Plugin is now the recommended way to get change notifications. See UsingNotify to learn how to use this page. Subscriptions gnhlug org #64;gnhlug...
Statistics for Org Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors for...
GNHLUG Internet Server Overview Our Internet presence currently consists of a web site, a list server, and a few random things. BenScott is the server wrangler as...
This is the technical `To Do list` for the GNHLUG InternetServer. Add and update as you like! See also ServerGoals, which is more administrative/political. Base...
Our InternetServer will need to be protected against all the Internet nasties (which are legion). Don`t forget to sign your comments! Goals Availability... was the original server used for the GNHLUG InternetServer project. It took over services from CodeMeta servers hive and rogue . liberty has...
Parent: ServerMail Peer pages ServerMailSpam See Also MailAliases MailingListPolicy Overview All GNHLUG mailing lists are currently...
LocalTWikiDocs has notes on our TWiki implementation in particular. FIXME need lots more here Apache, DNS names, etc. is a VM/VPS run by BenScott for various things, including hosting some GNHLUG services. FIXME more detail is a VM/VPS created in a hurry to take over hosting duties for ServerLiberty when we lost our co location on short notice. Services are gradually...
This page is obsolete. It is kept for historical value. For more information, see InternetServer. The GNHLUG InternetServer used to be a physical machine, liberty...
This page is obsolete. It is kept for historical value. For more information, see InternetServer. When our InternetServer was a physical machine, liberty.gnhlug...
This page is obsolete. It is kept for historical value. For more information, see InternetServer. How should we approach the GNHLUG InternetServer project, from...
This page is obsolete. It is kept for historical value. For more information, see InternetServer. Policies Package management Generally speaking, it is preferred...
The providers that host the VMs that are the server make regular backups. BenScott makes irregular snapshots of the server data on his home systems.
Parent: InternetServer Sub pages ServerMailLists ServerMailSpam See Also MailAliases System (root) mail We need to figure out what...
Want to help out with this web site? Great! Here`s how: 1 See WikiCrashCourse to learn about how Wiki and TWiki work 1 Read our PlanForOurWeb so you know where...
This is an extremely quick introduction to using Wiki and TWiki. After you have a basic idea of how to use Wiki, you should check out WorkingOurWeb and PlanForOurWeb...
Click a file name link in the `Attachment` column to download/view/open/whatever that file. You can also attach more files. GNHLUGtradeShowBanner2 1.pdf: GNHLUG...
This is the Org Web in the GNHLUG TWiki. Here is information use for those trying to organize GNHLUG. It mostly covers things like running meetings, findings speakers...
Please see WebToDo
Preferences for the Org Web About this page This page is preferences for the entire Org Web (within this overall TWiki site) Web preferences override...
Statistics for Org Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors for...
The WebMaster group takes care of the web pages at and related sites. If you see something you think should be changed on the GNHLUG web site, you can...
To: {The Speaker} CC: {CentralLUG Volunteers} {Speaker} My, how time flies! Your {date} presentation to CentraLUG is only three weeks from next Monday! Thanks for...
Here`s proposed text for an announcement to the gnhlug announce list. Feel free to make suggestions or edits. was sent to the gnhlug announce list on 9 Feb...
GNHLUG Board of Directors Autumn 2007 What: GNHLUG (state wide) organizational/administrative meeting Who: Everyone interested in bringing GNHLUG forward...
Agenda Review and adoptions of last meeting`s minutes Appointment of Officers Status of GNHLUG Purchase / possession of GNHLUG server Splitting...
GNHLUG Board of Directors Summer 2007 What: GNHLUG (state wide) organizational/administrative meeting Who: Everyone interested in bringing GNHLUG forward...
GNHLUG Spring Summit 2007 What: GNHLUG state wide organizational/planning meta meeting Who: Everyone interested in bringing GNHLUG forward Where...
See Also: SummerSummit2005Attendees And: SummerSummit2005Notes TO: GNHLUG activists, Chapter coordinators, board members, volunteers, past activists and interested...
The following people are attending the GNHLUG SummerSummit2005. Notes on what occurred are in the SummerSummit2005Notes. People should include what they are bringing...
Parent: PromotingOurselves One problem we have is reaching our `target market`: Local computer geeks. Computer geeks are notoriously hard to find. They don`t read...
Here`s what I`m thinking: The GNHLUG Web is our `main public` Web The Org Web is our `internal` Web Main Web is reserved for `TWiki operations` by the...
GNHLUG operates several e mail mailing lists for discussion and dissemination purposes. See MailingLists for the list of lists. Use of the mailing lists is covered...
Parent : MeetingGuide Related: MeetingPolicies Table of Contents Continuity It is important for the meeting to take place in it`s normally held place, since...
Door prizes are usually items contributed by some company or individual. Usually they take time and effort to arrange, and you would like them to be given out `fairly...
The GNHLUG Organizer`s Guide to Running a Meeting This guide is mainly for running a `general` meeting, i.e., one intended for all commers. Meetings held for organizational...
This is a list of ideas and suggestions for meetings. Various sources have contributed over the years. This list includes both topics (subject matter) as well as...
Parent: MeetingGuide Table of Contents Giving Notice Advance notice is critical for a successful meeting. Notify early, and notify often. (It is worth noting that...
The following table lists some speakers and what they are willing to talk about. And check individual TWiki pages (for example: BruceDawson) to see find topics that...
To: discuss #64;gnhlug REMOVE .org cc: maddog #64;li REMOVE .org Subject: The Old Penguin of the Mountain Date: Sun, 11 May 2003 08:27:56 0400 From: Jon maddog Hall...
The `Org` mailing list is gnhlug org #64;gnhlug REMOVE .org It is for the discussion of `organizational` issues involving GNHLUG. Things like meeting and event planning...
This is a list of `Org Meetings`. These are not General/Regular Meetings, which are about Linux or other techie stuff. See OurChapters for that. These are meetings...

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Topic revision: r1 - 2001-08-16 - PeterThoeny

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