Drafted for handouts for the GNHLUG booth at
- Letter sized poster appropriate to tape to doors with directions to meeting. GNHLUG and logo
- GNHLUG.swx is OpenOffice.org document with brief "who what where" description of group.
- See also ArtWork for the logo in various formats, the tradeshow banner and other graphics.
- Business Card design by EdLawson requires the gLabels
program to print
Current Text - see diffs at page bottom for changes
Who Are We?
- We share a common interest in Linux and Free/Open Source Software (FOSS). Our range of skills, experience and interest is diverse. We are hobbyists, amateurs, professionals, system administrators, developers, lawyers, students, world-renowned experts and beginners. We share an interest in learning more and in helping each other. Membership in the GNHLUG is open to all with no membership fee.
What Do We Do?
- Several chapters of the group meet for social and educational purposes (see the schedule below). At the meetings, there is usually a demonstration of a program of interest and almost always an opportunity to ask questions.
- Representatives of the group can be found at local computer conferences or other meetings giving presentations, offering insights or advocating for Linux or FOSS.
- There is an active mailing list where you can seek support for problems or ask questions. There are also several very-low-traffic mailing lists for meeting announcements.
- We are also active in educating and advocating for FOSS in our state businesses, governments and school systems.
When and Where Do We Meet?
- Meetings typically start at 7 PM and networking before and after the meeting is encouraged. While these are the usual meeting times and places, checking the calendar and being on the mailing list ensures proper place, time and agenda, and often helps with issues such as snow cancellations.
How Can You Participate?
TedRoche - 07 Sept 2005
I changed the GNHLUG.* attachments to generalize the statement about "dinner at Martha's is optional" to "dinner beforehand is optional".
BruceDawson - 30 Mar 2006
Removed the mention of
MerriLUG and Martha's since our meetings are on sabbatical.
TedRoche - 10 Sep 2009