What went on at the SummerSummit2006 meeting.

Attendees: HeatherBrodeur, MattBrodeur, MadDog Hall, JimKuzdrall, RobLembree, BillMcGonigle, TedRoche, BillSconce, BenScott

MadDog did a great presentation (slides to be posted here) on what he learned at Wood Badge camp: how scouting works: Troop organizations, patrol organizations, how responsibility and authority were distributed. There are many parallels between the GNHLUG organization and the chapters, and a lot of discussion of how GNHLUG could be organization, what tasks are expected of the people involved. One of the missing elements of GNHLUG is a clear statement of a vision and mission for the group; a brief discussion can be found on WhatWeAre and WhatDoWeWantToBe.

Some updates are in order for OurChapters:

KenDAmbrosio has stepped down as MerriLUG chapter leader. Thanks for your hard work, Ken. HeatherBrodeur has volunteered to serve as chapter coordinator; JimKuzdrall has agreed to stay on as the alternate. Thanks to both of you!

DavidBerube has been forced to step down due to ill health. Best wishes on a speedy recovery, David! TedRoche and BillSconce have kept the CentraLUG meetings going; we're very willing to consider new venues, new topics and new ideas!

RobLembree agreed to volunteer to coordinate the next Special Event meeting. Details to follow.

MadDog agreed to put together a list of events happening in the New England Area that we might be able to draw "well known" speakers from. - maddog

Discussion on creating GNHLUG as a formal legal entity focused on liability: all are concerned on their personal liability in case of accident or negligence ar a meeting or other group-sponsored activity. We'll need to resolve these issues before moving forward.

Proposal to form a non-profit as a separate (and possibly differently-named) organization.

Outreach: attracting and retaining new members. How about some presntations on video and audio? Do New User Nights need an update?

BenScott: praise for his (and BruceDawson and BillMcGonigle) efforts to migrate to the new server, untangle the DNS issues, move over mailman. Queries on chapters supporting their own or shared forums: with the new server, we have room and resources, as long as we don't impose too much on the generosity of MV, who provides our facilities at no charge (Thanks!)

Heather and Matt were extremely gracious hosts, and put out a spread that could not be beat! - maddog

-- TedRoche - 13 Aug 2006

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