If you are interested in helping out with administration of the GNHLUG
InternetServer, please:
- Create an account on this website (TWiki), if you haven't already
- Edit this page (click the "Edit" link at top or bottom of the page)
- Add your name to the list below
- List the things you have experience with/can help with
- Subscribe to the sysadmin
mailing list.
- Browse and/or contribute to the InternetServer section of this website.
Server People Registration
- BenScott - Proeject Coordinator. General Linux admin; networking; security; DNS.
- BruceDawson - Assistance with migrating to the new server. I know the gory details of how the old server(s) were set up.
- Bruce is also (currently) the only person who has physical access to the server (an MV keycard) -- but only when he's in NH, of course. -- BenScott - 21 May 2006
- TedRoche - asking pesky questions about what we are trying to achieve and why
- BillMcGonigle - lend a hand where needed. Would like to see good monitoring. Can do mailman.
- ToddWarfield - will lend help where needed.
- MarcBehr - Unix/Linux admin, SSH, DNS, Apache, Twiki, Postfix, Perl, Nagios, etc
- MarkKomarinski - MySQL, DNS, SSH, Exim, Mailman, security, automatic updates, disk layout
- KenDAmbrosio - Gen'l Linux admin (Debian is strongest distro), networking, Postfix, SSH
- DrewVanZandt - Unix/Linux admin, networking, hardware guy, SW RAID, SSH, Apache, Perl, PHP, MySQL, boot from CompactFlash on IDE
- ColeTuininga - Unix/Linux admin, SSH, ntp, bind, apache, python, php, MySQL, any required Debian advocacy
- MikeLedoux - General admin, networking, security, hardware, software, etc.
- MattBrodeur - Most of the above, and almost no time to do it
- PhilipSbrogna - sys admin & web development experience, time available to be used by group as needed (though I'm in the middle of implementing a FOSS collaboration platform for employer that might fit MonadLug's needs well)