If you are interested in helping out with administration of the GNHLUG InternetServer, please:
  1. Create an account on this website (TWiki), if you haven't already
  2. Edit this page (click the "Edit" link at top or bottom of the page)
    1. Add your name to the list below
    2. List the things you have experience with/can help with
  3. Subscribe to the sysadmin mailing list.
  4. Browse and/or contribute to the InternetServer section of this website.


Server People Registration

  • BenScott - Proeject Coordinator. General Linux admin; networking; security; DNS.
  • BruceDawson - Assistance with migrating to the new server. I know the gory details of how the old server(s) were set up.
    • Bruce is also (currently) the only person who has physical access to the server (an MV keycard) -- but only when he's in NH, of course. -- BenScott - 21 May 2006
  • TedRoche - asking pesky questions about what we are trying to achieve and why
  • BillMcGonigle - lend a hand where needed. Would like to see good monitoring. Can do mailman.
  • ToddWarfield - will lend help where needed.
  • MarcBehr - Unix/Linux admin, SSH, DNS, Apache, Twiki, Postfix, Perl, Nagios, etc
  • MarkKomarinski - MySQL, DNS, SSH, Exim, Mailman, security, automatic updates, disk layout
  • KenDAmbrosio - Gen'l Linux admin (Debian is strongest distro), networking, Postfix, SSH
  • DrewVanZandt - Unix/Linux admin, networking, hardware guy, SW RAID, SSH, Apache, Perl, PHP, MySQL, boot from CompactFlash on IDE
  • ColeTuininga - Unix/Linux admin, SSH, ntp, bind, apache, python, php, MySQL, any required Debian advocacy
  • MikeLedoux - General admin, networking, security, hardware, software, etc.
  • MattBrodeur - Most of the above, and almost no time to do it
  • PhilipSbrogna - sys admin & web development experience, time available to be used by group as needed (though I'm in the middle of implementing a FOSS collaboration platform for employer that might fit MonadLug's needs well)
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Topic revision: r20 - 2008-02-08 - PhilipSbrogna

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