GNHLUG> Org Web>WorkingOurWeb>WebToDo (revision 21)EditAttach

Combined To Do List for this entire web site


This page lists site-wide or vaguely-defined things that want doing, for our web/wiki site, and the software that powers the website.

See the GetInvolved page for information on how you can Get Involved in GNHLUG. That might include helping finish items on this to-do list!

See also:

  • WorkingOurWeb - how to make changes to our web pages
  • PlanForOurWeb - guidelines for making changes to our web pages
  • ServerToDo - non-web tasks that need doing (mail, DNS, backups, etc.)

Search and FIXME

Search for the literal string "FIXME" to find specific things we know need doing.

For something localized to particular page, just add the string "FIXME" nearby so we can search for it. No sense in coming here, adding a note here, just so the next person has to go back there, make a change there, then come back here to update the list. Just let search find it.

Use this page for things that span multiple pages (even all of them), and/or, don't lend themselves to a localized focus. Make exceptions when sensible, such as for layout pages where "FIXME" would make every page ugly.


Content being the "meat" of a site, not the software that runs the site. Content is the reason we have a website in the first place.

  • update the GNHLUG web to reflect current "deep hibernation" status of many things
  • there are tons of incomplete, missing, or otherwise broken pages in the GNHLUG
    • vague -- can we be more specific?
  • we should have more on our organization structure (or lack there-of)
  • the FreeSoftware page could be added to
    • on the other hand, other sites already do this -- why re-invent the wheel?
    • add our own commentary on Linux/Unix history (esp. the origins of Unix at Bell Labs)
    • how Free Software principles created the Internet
    • how Free Software powers much of the Internet today
    • how Free Software can work as a business model
    • how Free Software can work for users
    • how Free Software can work for developers


Look and feel, aesthetics, etc. How content looks, but not the content itself.

  • all WebLeftBar
    • hide for non-admin: Prefs
    • hide for guests: Create, Notifications
  • WebTopBar
    • some kind of GNHLUG logotype would be nice


Nut and bolts, wiki software, web server config, etc. This is not the reason for having a website -- this lets us have a website.

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Topic revision: r21 - 2023-12-29 - BenScott

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