This is the Org Web in the GNHLUG TWiki. Here is information use for those trying to organize GNHLUG. It mostly covers things like running meetings, findings speakers, and so on. You know, the droll that new leaders need to know and the old leaders never bother to write down. It also has ideas and plans for other things we could do, and a fair amount of random thought.
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GNHLUG Overview
For those who are new, and perhaps those who are not.
- WhatWeAre - An introduction. Or perhaps an explanation. Or maybe just an excuse.
- OurStructure - Here is a top-level map, if you're looking for something in particular.
- WhatDoWeWantToBe - Maybe we need some goals.
GNHLUG Administration
This is all the boring business-like stuff. Meetings, policies, rules, etc.
- ContactUs - Our advertised contact page (in the GNHLUG web)
- OurPolicies - Guidelines for making decisions
- OrgList - Try to keep all Organizers informed by using this mailing list
- OrgMeetings - Org Meetings (not General Meetings)
- LegalEntity - Our existence in the world of law and government
GNHLUG Operations
The actual nuts and bolts of regular GNHLUG happenings.
- AnnounceList - Keep all interested parties informed by broadcasting with this list
- MeetingGuide - How to plan and run a meeting; resources
- WelcomeMessage - What gets sent to people that are inquiring about the group
GNHLUG Projects
Less regular, more ambitious things.
Web Tools
Topics that begin with "Web" generally have to do with the mechanics of this Wiki Web, rather then the actual content we put here.
- WebSearch - Full text search of the current or all Webs
- WebChanges - Recent changes to the current Web
- WebTopicList - A simple list of every Topic in the current Web
- WebIndex - A verbose Topic list, with details and summaries
- WebNotify - Be notified automatically when something changes in this Web
- WebStatistics - Access and change statistics for this Web
- WebPreferences - Control this Web's behavior