NetBrowsers World Wide Web browsers MailClients Electronic mail clients RSSNewsReaders Clients for collecting and presenting RSS news feeds InstantMessaging...
Open Source Software in New Hampshire This page contains information about how Linux is used specifically in New Hampshire. OpenSourceInStateGov How the New...
Open Source In State Government StateLegislativeActivity Legislative activity concerning open source software in the New Hampshire State Government .BillMcGonigle...
This topic describes the history of GNHLUG. Here we provide evidence of our existance! FirstAnnouncement The first ever GNHLUG meeting! PastEvents A...
S5 Simple Standards Based Slide Show System `S5 is a slide show format based entirely on XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With one file...
I depend on MySQL replication to provide off site backup and data distribution to `satellite` databases. Unlike two phase commit, the replicating databases can be...
FIXME this whole page should me merged into PastEvents Some MerriLUG meetings: March 16 2006: Christopher Aillon of Red Hat will be presenting NetworkManager Christopher...
Thunderbird Mozilla Thunderbird is a standalone email client. It is not only fast and efficient, it is also loaded with features. Evolution Ximian Evolution...
This page contains links to other topics in this TWiki Wiki Web, each with resources about a particular facet of Linux. See also AboutUs and/or AboutLinux....
The following is a copy of the follow up announcement for the first ever GNHLUG meeting. Thanks to Bayard Coolidge for keeping this around. Spam guarding has been...
DLSLUG (Dartmouth/Lake Sunapee) Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH) and Lake Sunapee area Coordinators: Lloyd Kvam (python #64;venix REMOVE .com), Bill <nop...
The tips and techniques that are used by GNHLUG can be catagorized as follows: BrowserTAT Knowledge about browsers. Including Firefox, Lynx, ... WorkgroupTAT...
How do you paste some file names into your terminal console and process them when they are separated by new lines? I thought the solution would be to group them somehow...
How do you paste some file names into your terminal console and process them when they are separated by new lines? I thought the solution would be to group them somehow...
GamingSIG DISCONTINUED due to lack of interest. Gaming Special Interest Group `To foster community around free software games and game development in...
Joseph Smith presented `Introduction to Coreboot` to the CentraLUG on 2 Aug 2010. Here are the slides for that presentation. .TedRoche 04 Aug 2010 intro...
Despite the name, GNHLUG is about more than just Linux. (You might say that Linux itself is about more than just Linux, too.) Anything to do with Open Source/Free...
Mark McSweeney presented to CentraLUG on 1 Feb 2010. .TedRoche 02 Feb 2010 spamfilter.20100201.odp: Open Office Presentation spamfilter.20100201.pdf...
FIXME this can be fleshed out a lot more, perhaps with subsections Why use Linux? Power From a technical standpoint, Linux is very powerful, supporting many...
Bill Sconce reports: 11 people interested in Python attended the October 2009 meeting of the GNHLUG Python Special Interest Group, held as usual at the Amoskeag Business...
About Software Freedom Day Main site: `Software Freedom Day (SFD) is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software...
The 22 January 2009 Python Special Interest Group (PySIG) hosted a meeting where .ArcRiley presented on developing extensions in C for Python 3.0. Notes follow, and...
Brian Turnbull presented an introduction to APP, the Atom Publishing Protocol, to the October 21 NH Ruby / Rails group. See the slides below. .TedRoche 15 Nov...