27 October 2004. Anthony Stevens, New Hampshire Assistant Secretary of State, presented on the history and prospects of electronic voting machines in New Hampshire...
The notes below were prepared for a presentation to business owners explaining the concept of free software. Once the audience was comfortable with `What is Free...
Open Source is another name for FreeSoftware. (Note to GNHLUG web maintainers: I`m not trying to start a semantic edit war here; the FreeSoftware page was there way...
IRC IRC is Internet Relay Chat. GNHLUG has an IRC channel on irc.freenode.net, #gnhlug See also: IRCInfo Clients http://www.ircreviews.org/clients/ History http...
Vim Vim is a fast and light editor for a variety of tasks with many solid and useful features. Gnotepad Gnotepad is a general purpose editor intended for...
Gimp The imaging program for Linux. A very complete tool for all types of graphic/photo creation and maipulation tasks. Scribus A full featured desktop publishing...
FIXME the information in the attachments on this page needs to be broken down, Wiki ized, and put in Topic pages GNHLUG New User Nights We hope the following links...
Chris Fokas is one of the owners of Martha`s Exchange, where we hold many of our meetings. He has always been very helpful when it came to getting GNHLUG a place...
What is Linux? The term `Linux` gets used to mean several different things. That is why GNHLUG is NotJustLinux. The page aims to help explain what people mean...
The Linux kernel is explained, briefly, on our WhatIsLinux page. If you want to learn more, try these links: http://www.kernel.org The offical home page of...