What Software Freedom Day
Who YOU!
Where Pulaski Park, Manchester, NH
Date Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Time Flexible, overall roughly 10 AM to 5 PM

We need volunteers for Software Freedom Day this Saturday!

Most of all, we need people to show up and talk to other people. You can talk about what Software Freedom is and why it's important, or you can talk about your favorite programs and why they rock. This isn't a Linux-only love-fest -- Free Software running on MS Windows, Mac OS X, or a BSD is equally welcome! It can Firefox, or OpenOffice, or GIMP, or whatever. Free Content music/books are great, too!

We also need equipment and materials, although they're secondary to people. Things we need in any quantity:

  • Tables
  • Chairs
  • Tents/pavilions
  • Discs full of Free Software/Content to give away
  • Laptops running Free Software for demo purposes
  • SWAG -- stickers, T-shirts, button-pins, etc.
  • Stuff to attract attention

I know we have some Red Hat people in the area. Come on by with a pile of Fedora discs! You don't want the Ubuntu people stealing all the limelight, do you? FSF, EFF, Mozilla, Debian, Python and any and all other projects are welcome too, of course!

We've got SFD balloons and I plan on buying one of those DIY helium tank kits. I'll also be printing a bunch of single-page flyers with GNHLUG info on them. Anything else you can think of is great. Signs, banners, flags, bumper stickers, shirt stickers, giant stuffed Tux plush, whatever.

More ambitious suggestions include: Face painting or masks (penguin beaks, fox ears, etc.).

Feel free to just show up! If you want, you can let us know in advance -- that way we can pretend we know what's going on. You can post a message to gnhlug-discuss, or send a private email to BenScott, or sign-up on the SFD website, or send a flash drive taped to a carrier pigeon. ArcRiley is the lead for this, but he's suffering from a bad case of Real Life(TM) and asked Ben to help him coordinate things.


Pulaski Park is on Bridge Street in Manchester. About a block east from MV Communications. Lots of foot traffic and high visibility from Bridge St. We'll hopefully get between 150 and 250 people through the day, but no more than a handful at a time.


The street address looks like 128 Bridge Street. Lat/lon looks to be 42.994941 North, 71.458731 West.

What is Software Freedom Day?

"Software Freedom Day (SFD) is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Our goal in this celebration is to educate the worldwide public about of the benefits of using high quality FOSS in education, in government, at home, and in business -- in short, everywhere! ... Volunteer teams around the world organize the local SFD events to impact their own communities." -- http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/about


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