GNHLUG> TWiki Web>TWikiOopsExceptionDotPm (revision 1)EditAttach

Package =TWiki::OopsException

extends Error

Exception used to raise a request to redirect to an Oops URL. An OopsException thrown anywhere in the code will redirect the browser to a url based on the oops script. oops requires a template parameter, that is the name of a template file from the templates directory. This file will be expanded and the parameter values passed to the exception instantiated. The result will be shown in the browser.

ClassMethod new ($template,...)

  • template is the name of an oops template
The remaining parameters are interpreted as key-value pairs. The following keys are used:
  • web will be used as the web for the oops
  • topic will be used as the topic for the oops
  • def - is the (optional) name of a TMPL:DEF within the template
  • keep - if set, the exception handler should try it's damndest to retain parameter values from the query.
  • params is a reference to an array of parameters. These will be substituted for %PARAM1%, %PARAM2% ... %PARAMn% in the template.

ObjectMethod stringify () -> $string

Generates a string representation for the object, mainly for debugging.

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Topic revision: r1 - 2006-02-01 - TWikiContributor

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