Allowing Web Creation, Deletion, & Rename by the User Mapping Manager


There are cases where DENYROOTCHANGE, ALLOWROOTCHANGE, DENYWEBCHANGE, and ALLOWWEBCHANGE are not capable enough to implement web creation/deletion/rename permission you want. Here are some of those situations.

Making top level web creation and deletion self-service

Usually, to create and delete a top level web, you need to be allowed by ALLOWROOTCHANGE and DENYROOTCHANGE. On a large TWiki site, it's desirable to make top level web creation and deletion self-service.

Allowing users to create and delete their own UserSubwebs

In a large orgnization having thousands or more users, the Main web needs to restrict topic creation to prevent random topics to accumulate. Instead, UserSubwebs are desirable for content accountability. This means that, on the Main web, users are not allowed to create topics but are allowed to create and delete the subweb of their wiki name.

How it works

When a new web is created, the canCreateWeb($cUID, $web) method of the user mapping manager is called if the method exists. If the method returns true, the web is created without checking DENYROOTCHANGE and ALLOWROOTCHANGE (for a top level web) or DENYWEBCHANGE and ALLOWWEBCHANGE (of the parent of a subweb). If the method does not exist or the method returns false, web creation is permitted as usual based on *ROOTCHANGE or *WEBCHANGE.

The method would be written as follows.

sub canCreateWeb {
    my( $this, $cUID, $web ) = @_;

Similarly, when a web is renamed, the canRenameWeb($cUID, $oldWeb, $newWeb) method of the user mapping manager is called if the method exist. If it returns true, permission check on the parent web is omitted. If the method does not exist or the method returns false, permission check on the parent web is conducted as usual. Then, permission check on the rename destination takes place.

Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiAccessControl, LargeSite, UserSubwebs

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Topic revision: r2 - 2017-01-23 - TWikiContributor

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