The big goal: Allow anyone to telecommute to our meetings and join in.
Short-term goals:
- Using existing technology to at least broadcast our meetings.
Available technologies:
Comments and Discussion
I've isolated most of the problems I've been experiencing with Asterisk to my hardware (improper vendor implementation of the PCI bus).
I've also discovered that running multiple lines (as would happen during a "live" conference) chews up a lot of bandwidth and CPU. It appears to be about 200MHz of CPU and 128Kbps per call. (This is running the 'meeting room' application w/2 callers). Note that these numbers occur when using ztdummy. (If others have conflicting info, I'd like to hear it.)
However, due to other commitments, I've run out of time to work on this project - until at least September 2008. Any volunteers?
BruceDawson - 20 May 2008
Current status: No progress. I've run into a few Asterisk "inconsistencies" in my own installation that I'd like to iron out before installing on the GNHLUG server. Current inconsistencies:
- IAXy dropping connections. This only recently started happening; there were no software changes. And only appears to happen on my internal network - external IAX connections appear sound.
- Sometimes Asterisk seems to go beserk, chewing up all system resources (RAM, shared memory, and CPU, possibly semaphores too). I suspect this is hardware related but am not sure.
- It looks like future upgrades will be painful - I'm working on a configuration schema that will make it easier.
BruceDawson - 11 Feb 2008
Status: This sorta fell through the cracks. (The cracks being upgrading liberty, a death in the family, overseas travel, and an aging brain.)
However, if there no objections, I'm ready to start installing Asterisk on liberty. Please let me know of any reasons this should not be done within the next week or so.
BruceDawson - 17 Jan 2008
That sounds like a great idea! I'd like the ability to turn on recordings, although we may want to use another podcasting network to distribute the audio rather than imposing on MV's generous hosting of our server.
TedRoche - 06 Oct 2007
My current plan is to install
on the GNHLUG server, and set up a few "meeting rooms" that people can call into and listen/talk with other people also dialed into it. The various chapter chairs will be given "management" access codes.
might turn on recording too - depending on available disk space.
This will allow people to remotely join in a meeting while its happening, and store the audio portion for posterity.
BruceDawson - 05 Oct 2007