Links and references to third-party resources that may be useful in managing our status as a
legal entity.
State of New Hampshire
Notable Organizations
- Most legal forms of organization will require some form of structure with by-laws. Some Google'ed links follow.
- By-laws
(PDF) of the Kalamazoo LUG
- likely not what we want, as they require dues for privileges such as email archive access, but these can serve as a starting point for discussions.
- Pensacola has their bylaws on their forum at
(timeout, 7 Aug 2007)
- Greater Orlando Linux Users Group
- The IRS page Exempt Organization - By-Laws
states "Federal tax law does not require specific language in the by-laws of most organizations. State law may require nonprofit corporations to have by-laws, however, and nonprofit organizations generally find it advisable to have internal operating rules. "
- Liability is a concern raised several times. For example, at SummerSummit2006. Consultation with legal advice and insurance professionals may be advisable.
- Nonprofit Risk Management Center
- "...provide assistance and resources for community-serving nonprofit organizations ... help nonprofits cope with uncertainty..."
General non-profit