GNHLUG Autumnal Summit 2005

  • What: GNHLUG state-wide organizational/planning meta-meeting
  • Who: Everyone interested in bringing GNHLUG forward
  • Where: Miles Smith Farm (same as SummerSummit2005)
  • Date: Sunday, 23 October, 2005
  • Time: 1 to 5 PM
  • Meeting Notes: AutumnalSummit2005Notes

To respect the privacy of the host, directions are not published here. If you need directions, mention it on the OrgList, and the host will respond.

At 15 Sep 2005's Nashua get-together, several activists said that they'd like to get together for a follow-up meeting. Let's try to firm up an agenda. Respond here and to the gnhlug-org list with RSVPs, ideas, suggestions, agenda items, news, etc.


If you plan on coming, please add your name to this list - along with whatever food you can bring.

Note: Add your name to the above list if you want directions e-mailed to you. (They will be sent to the email address in your topic page (the page that's displayed when you click on one of the above links.)


Running Meetings (Wood Badge)

maddog couldn't say enough about the Scout's "Wood Badge" program to train leaders. (Google it for some interesting tales.) Some seek glory, others have it thrust upon them. Chapter leaders just happened. Let's share experiences, agendas, meeting ideas, how to run a meeting, how to shut up that guy in the back who just won't quit, and so forth. Heather has given us a good start with the idea of setting up a structure, schedule and plan for announcements, where do we take that? How to announce, where to announce?

See also: MeetingGuide


Given the recent intense discussion, and following announcement, it is safe to assume this will be a big topic. We should try and break it down into agenda items ahead of time.

  • Bylaws
  • General membership involvement
  • Ratification
  • When and how to hold membership meetings for elections
  • When and how, if ever, GNHLUG should seek funds and from what sources

Task Status

Status of tasks assigned from SummerSummit2005. A chance to catch up on progress or lack of it, plan the next steps, and so forth.

  • Legal Incorporation (see above)
  • Meeting Coordination
    • Each chapter should have a primary and an alternate coordinator (at least)
    • Contact info for both should be on-file with the taskmaster
    • Coordinators should be approved to post to gnhlug-announce
    • Working towards a system of regular planning and announcements
  • Marketing literature
  • Internet presence enhancements
    • DONE: Upgrade TWiki (Thanks to BruceDawson)
    • Make the Wiki more friendly
    • New server - discussion (At least one hosting location has been found).
    • Demonstration of new TWiki features and capabilities
  • Outreach Programs
    • Should GNHLUG create and be responsible for outreach programs
    • What resources should GNHLUG provide for member developed outreach programs
    • How should GNHLUG approve or regulate outreach programs which use the name GNHJLUG

New Tasks

  • Look over Berube's list of media outlets, putting the ones we want in MediaOutlets
  • Discuss management of the new server.
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