TWiki Files and Directories

This page documents the file and directory structure for the TWiki installation on this server. Relevant only to those ServerPeople with SSH access.

See also: TWikiMods, TWikiPerms


This page uses the following flags.

Letter flags indicate permissions needed by the web server processes:

Flag Meaning
P Published as static files by the web server
N None needed (probably should have none)
R Read-only (plus execute of directories)
X Executable as CGI scripts, but not writable
W Writable normally
C Read-only normally, writable during configure
Z Read-only executable CGI during configure, denied normally

Other flags:

Flag Meaning
* Directory/file is new/removed (vs stock TWiki distribution)
@ File is edited to configure the local installation

Directory Structure

Directory Flags Description
doc N* basic admin docs and sample files (moved here from stock)
bin X Perl CGI scripts
lib R TWiki libraries + site config
locale R message catalogs for multiple languages
templates R used by TWiki CGI scripts to generate HTML web pages
data W TWiki pages (served by CGI scripts)
pub WP TWiki file attachments (served by web server)
log W* files written by TWiki, set in LocalSite.cfg
log/old W* archived log files, done by logrotate and gnhlug_maint
working W TWiki internal temporary files
tools N non-web maintenance scripts
webroot RP* Apache DocumentRoot, contains single "something is wrong" page
static RP* static files, maintained outside of TWiki, aliased in Apache
etc R* misc config files
misc N* sample files, merged to "doc"; directory removed

Notable Files

Directory File Flag Description
bin LocalLib.cfg R@ path to lib (directory with
bin setlib.cfg R derives default TWiki paths (normally no edits needed)
bin configure Z CGI script that presents an interactive configuration mechanism
lib LocalSite.cfg C@ site configuration, initially written by configure
lib R main module for TWiki; the CGI scripts are just entry points to this
lib TWiki.spec R documentation and defaults for common LocalSite.cfg options
etc reg_htpasswd R* Apache AuthUserFile for registration password
log access W log of every request the TWiki CGI scripts answer
log warn W log of warnings and errors from TWiki CGI scripts
log config W log of actions taken by configure script
static favicon.ico R* "favorite icon" that appears in browser tabs
static gnhlug.css R*@ a small handful of CustomCSS
static robots.txt R@ guidance to crawler software about what to do (or not do) on this site
tools fakecgi N* runs a TWiki script in a simulated CGI environment, for debugging
tools gnhlug_maint N* nightly maintenance wrapper script, run by crontab
webroot index.html R HTML page that says if you can see it, things are broken
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Topic revision: r5 - 2023-12-28 - BenScott

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