Recent Changes in GNHLUG Web retrieved at 11:57 (GMT)

Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2007 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2007 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2007 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2007 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2007 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2007 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Terms of Service Original content published via this system remains the property of the contributor. Duplication and/or distribution is permitted if and only if ALL...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2007 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2007 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2007 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
If you need WiFi or wired network access, please let us know so I can set up the appropriate switches, routers, ... Or if you need other items (handicap access, ....
Please bring a food dish that can serve a party of your size. Keep in mind that we need a variety of dishes (salads, deserts, drinks, ...) The hosts will be supplying...
Please let us know the number of children (18 years of age and under) that will be attending with you. (Weather permitting, we`ll have a short tour of the property...
Please let us know the number of adults (responsible individuals) that will be attending with you.
We don`t plan on using this email for anything other than sending directions and possibly last minute updates. If left blank, then you won`t receive directions or...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2007 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
.ShawnKOShea 17 Jun 2007
Module of the Month, a regular feature of the Python Special Interest Group PySIG win32com tarfile .TedRoche 27 Apr 2007
GNHLUG at Hosstraders has been announced that the Hosstraders event itself has been discontinued. What Hosstraders Hamfest Who Anyone...
HOWTO Install MythTV on Fedora Core 6 This is a work in progress and is nowhere near complete. Prerequisites Hardware compatibility minimum requirements...
Getting to the MythTV InstallFest. Particulars The most recent MythTV InstallFest occurred on Sat 31 March 2007. Future events are being planned, but have not been...
This page describes the overall plan for the GNHLUG MythTV InstallFest. Particulars The most recent MythTV InstallFest occurred on Sat 31 March 2007. Future events...
This page describes the requirements for the GNHLUG MythTV InstallFest. Understand the situation Dedicated system To reach its maximum potential, the system will...
This page provides contextual help for a few of the more technical questions on the registration form for the GNHLUG MythTV InstallFest. Signal source What kind(s...
This topic page is an introduction to the world of Free Software. Free Software is also called Open Source Software. Thus, one often sees the term `Free/Open Source...
MonadLUG man page of the month presentation: uniq 8 February 2007 uniq removes duplicate lines from a sorted file. sample file: in.txt a, one a, one b, two B, Two...
Directions: From the South: To get to the New Hampshire Technical Institute, take I 93 North to Exit 14, Fort Eddy Road. The ramp branches into four lanes, you`d...
PySIG Django Presentation Feb. 22, 2007 Dave Rowell, Appropriate Solutions, Inc., Peterborough, NH drowell #64;appropriatesolutions REMOVE .com Definition of...
Notes for the 5 Feb 2007 meeting of the CentraLUG, where Matt Brodeur presented GNU Privacy Guard .TedRoche 07 Feb 2007 gpg2007.pdf: Slides in PDF 511 KB...
The following comes from Ben Scott in reply to a message from Bruce Dawson for sometime before 10 December, 2006. Okay, I can`t find my past procmailrc files for...
Some Tips and Techniques on handling mail. FixingReplyToMailTAT on mailing list headers so when you reply to a mailing list message, it goes to the whole list...
This covers tips and techniques regarding Workgroup software such as MS Exchange, Evolution, ... MS Exchange alternatives, work alikes, ...
The MonadLUG Man Page of the Month was presented by RayCote on find: MonadLUG man page of the month presentation: find 14 September 2006 What is find? Find searches...
Upcoming Events Recent Events
From: Janet Crosbie Date: May 17, 2006 4:03:43 PM EDT Subject: User Groups: Apress Spring Newsletter Finally Here! Apress User Group Newsletter Issue 5; Spring...
LinuxWorld held their conference in Boston Apr 3 6 2006 at the Boston Conference and Exposition Center. GNHLUG hosted a booth, passed out information on GNHLUG activities...
NH House Bill 1197 HB 1197 concerns studying the requirement to consider the use of open source in NH State Government and creating a report about the benefits that...
Message to GNHLUG discuss re: HB1197: http://www.mail .BillMcGonigle 30 Jan 2006
Contact information here: 376148 .BillMcGonigle 30 Jan 2006
Contact information here: 376444 .BillMcGonigle 30 Jan 2006
These notes curteosy of Christopher Schmidt. Original at These notes are reputed to be incomplete; please add/correct...
State Legislative Activity Regarding Open Source Software HouseBill1197 .BillMcGonigle 25 Jan 2006
Tips and Techniques regarding Web Browsers. Firefox Part of the `It`s my fscking computer; get your grubby JavaScript off it...
We once tried to put on a kind of mini `Linux expo`. We called it the `Linux Business Show`. We got a lot of volunteers and a lot of interest, but ultimately, we...
What : Open Source Development and Productization Who : Tim Burke, Director of Fedora Project and Kernel Development at Red Hat When : Tue, 24 Jan 2006, at...
Personal Productivity Office Suites, Finance, Calendars, PIM, etc. Development Tools IDEs, Editors, Compilers, Debuggers, Revision Control Systems,...
FIXME finish this topic This page is just getting started, so it is somewhat stark right now. Local content WhatIsLinux? WhyLinux Linux is NotJustLinux...
.BillMcGonigle 28 Oct 2005 Edit this page to add your name to a carpool (who`s driving and who`s riding) The TedRoche mobile (Contoocook) is bringing: BillSconce...
Hoss Traders 2005 photos by Bill Sconce Master Yoda supervises light saber training: Breaking clouds signal the end of Hosstraders. Governor declares...

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