Getting to the MythTV InstallFest.


The most recent MythTV InstallFest occurred on Sat 31 March 2007. Future events are being planned, but have not been scheduled at this time.

What MythTV Installation Assistance
Room 231 (second floor, mid-way down)
Building Little Hall ("K" on the NHTI map)
Street 31 College Drive
Latitude North 43 degrees, 13.389 minutes
Longitude West 71 degrees, 31.925 minutes
Campus NHTI - New Hampshire Technical Institute
City Concord, NH


From points North or South

  1. I-93 North or South to Concord
  2. Exit 15 E on to I-393 East
  3. Follow "Last mile" directions below

From points West

  1. I-89 East
  2. Last exit on to I-93 North
  3. Exit 15 E on to I-393 East
  4. Follow "Last mile" directions below

From points East

  1. US-4/NH-9/US-202 West to I-393
  2. I-393 into Concord
  3. Follow "Last mile" directions below

Last mile

  1. I-393 in Concord
  2. Exit 1 (Ft. Eddy Rd.)
  3. Turn left at bottom of ramp, and proceed on to College Drive
  4. Follow College Drive into campus center
  5. At the 3-way stop, continue straight through the intersection
  6. There will be an "S" curve; keep left and stay on College Drive
  7. You will past a day care center on the left
  8. The next building on the left is Little Hall

  • Little Hall is two stories tall, and has a large solar panel and pylon next to the entrance door.


  • _Please_ park only in legitimate spaces. We are guests of the Institute.
  • There is a side parking lot immediately before Little Hall. You can use the small lot only:
    • Only in spaces not reserved (for the president, security, etc.)
    • Anytime, briefly, for unloading and loading your car
    • Anytime, all day, if you have a handicap placard
    • On weekends, all day (everyone)
  • If you cannot park in the Little side lot, park in the big parking lot.
  • The big parking lot is located:
    • By the 3-way stop at the intersection of College and Institute Drives.
    • Between the athletic fields and the rest of the NHTI campus.

At Little Hall

  1. Enter through the doors at the middle of the two wings
  2. Turn towards stairs and away from the cafeteria
  3. Up stairs to second floor, or elevator in hall on left
  4. Turn right off stairs/elevator
  5. Room 231 is about half way down the second floor main hallway, on your right
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Topic revision: r8 - 2007-04-02 - BenScott

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