Brian Turnbull presented an introduction to APP, the Atom Publishing Protocol, to the October 21 NH Ruby / Rails group. See the slides below. .TedRoche 15 Nov...
Brian Turnbull presented an introduction to Rest, Representational Transfer to the October 21 NH Ruby / Rails group. See the slides below. .TedRoche 15 Nov...
There is an Ubuntu Local Community (LoCo) Team for the NH area. Wiki web page: Team Leader: Nikki Henninger...
.CharlieFarinella 02 Nov 2007 From the East: 101 west to 202/123 north( Granite St. ) 2.8 miles on the left there is a small white sign marking the SAU...
Andy Bair is active in the field of digital forensics, and has a really good presentation on `File Carving`. Presentation brochure Want to undelete some Linux disk...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2008 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. You...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2008 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. You...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2008 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. You...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2008 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2008 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. You...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2008 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2008 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2008 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2008 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2008 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2008 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2008 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
.MarcNozell 20 Jun 2008 I`m Marc Nozell my main web space is To send me email, MyFirstName #64;MyLastName REMOVE .com will get it to me...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2008 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2008 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2008 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
GNHLUG is the Greater New Hampshire Linux User Group . GNHLUG is made up of people who have interests in both Linux and the state of New Hampshire. In this case...
Christoph Doerbeck works as a Sales Engineer/Consultant at Hat Inc. Personal web site: He includes several GNHLUG presentations in his already...
All systems nominal. The archives have some minor breakage in them. A scattering of old mail isn`t parsed correctly, and so bits and pieces may get stuffed into the...
The October meeting of the Python Special Interest Group (PySIG) included a review of BeautifulSoup by Kent S. Johnson and a code sprint to create some scripts to...
BenScott has given multiple presentations on DNS (the Domain Name System). Files related to these presentations are posted on this page. See the table below. The...
This topic contains links to additional information about Linux. Typically, these links are to multi media web sites and files. ManPageMinutes Peter Nikolaidis...
TCP/IP references provided by Bill Stearns from a student in one of his classes. .TedRoche 05 Oct 2007 This actually has way more than IP; there`s Ethernet,...
On 1 October 2007, .MichaelKazin presented an introduction to Nagios to the CentraLUG group. Ten attendees were present. Slides attached below. Announcement for the...
Notes from .CharlieFarinella`s presentation to MonadLUG 13 Sept 2007 Transferring recorded music from analog sources to digital. Tools: Audacity sox...
Roger K. Trussel presented `Writing FireFox Extensions` to DLSLUG and CentraLUG in 2007. His samples files and slides are attached. .TedRoche 30 Aug 2007
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2007 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...
Congratulations! You are signing up to attend the 2007 GNHLUG Summer BBQ at Miles Smith Farm. Please fill in the form items below to `register` for the event. Miles...