About Software Freedom Day
"Software Freedom Day (SFD) is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Our goal in this celebration is to educate the worldwide public about of the benefits of using high quality FOSS in education, in government, at home, and in business -- in short, everywhere! ... Volunteer teams around the world organize the local SFD events to impact their own communities." --
GNHLUG often participates in Software Freedom Day.
Saturday 20 September 2008
- Where: In front of the State House, Concord, NH
- Time: Roughly 10 AM to 5 PM
- Coordinator: Arc Riley
- GNHLUG Volunteers: Ted Roche, Ben Scott, Bill Sconce, Jim Kuzdrall, Bruce Labitt
- Ubuntu Volunteers: Broderick Lang, Maureen Lang, Melanie Ihde, Matt Henninger, Nikki Henninger, Kyle Batley, Seth Lemons, Sarah Adelman, Mike Charest
- Photos: Facebook
- Team Wiki: http://softwarefreedomday.org/teams/northamerica/NH/Concord
Saturday 15 September 2007
- Where: GotInk4U
, Nashua, NH
- Coordinator: Bill Sconce
- Volunteers: Ted Roche, Ben Scott, Janet Levy, Mark Boyajian, Roseann Day, Bill Poliquin, others?
- Project page
- Press release
Saturday 16 September 2006
Saturday 10 September 2005