• Vim -- Vim is a fast and light editor for a variety of tasks with many solid and useful features.
  • Gnotepad+ -- Gnotepad+ is a general purpose editor intended for general text editing.
  • KATE -- KATE is the KDE text editor of choice for more than simple editing of basic text files.
  • Bluefish -- Bluefish is a flexible and powerful HTML editor with support for popular scripting languages and more.
  • MlView -- MLView is a Gnome XML editor.
  • Python -- Python is an easy to use language that is becoming popular for a variety of tasks.
  • PHP -- PHP is a scripting language specifically designed for building web applications that is relatively easy to learn and use.
  • Ruby -- Ruby is a fairly new, object oriented language tht is becoming very popular.

-- EdLawson - 14 Feb 2004

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