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COLORPICKER{} -- color picker for use in HTML forms for TWiki applications

  • The %COLORPICKER{}% variable is handled by the ColorPickerPlugin.
  • Syntax: %COLORPICKER{ name="..." value="..." }%
  • Parameters:
    Parameter Description Default Example
    name Name of input field (required) name="text_color"
    value Initial color value, in hexadecimal notation for the combination of Red, Green, and Blue color values (RGB). (none) value="#0000ff"
    size Size of input field, in number of characters (browser default) size="8"
    class CSS class of input field or the rectangular color block (none) class="twikiInputField"
    style Style of input field or the rectangular color block (none) style="width: 190px; height: 32px"
    type Type of color widget:
    "below" - color picker is located below the input field;
    "popup" - pop-up a color picker window when clicking the button next to the input field
        (this uses very little vertical space);
    "view" - a read-only rectangular block colored in the color value (no color picker);
    "view-hex" - like view, in addition shows the color value as an RGB hexadecimal code (no color picker);
    type="below" type="view-hex"
    Additional parameters can be supplied; they will be added to the HTML input field or the rectangular color block.
  • Example:
    <form action="...">
    %COLORPICKER{ name="text_color" value="#123456" class="twikiInputField" type="popup" }%
    Renders as:
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DatabaseAndFormsVariables, EditingAndContentUpdateVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables, UIAndVisualizationVariables
  • Related: ColorPickerPlugin, TWikiForms (this topic)

DASHBOARD -- build a dashboard with banner and boxes

DATEPICKER{} -- pop-up calendar to select a date for use in HTML forms

  • The %DATEPICKER{}% variable is handled by the DatePickerPlugin.
  • Syntax: %DATEPICKER{ name="..." value="..." }%
  • Parameters:
    Parameter Description Default Example
    name Name of input field.
    φ: No output is shown if the name parameter is missing, but the CSS and Javascript are loaded.
    (requiredφ) name="Start"
    value Initial date value. "" (today) value="2012-12-31"
    format Format of resulting date value.
    %a - abbreviated weekday name
    %A - full weekday name
    %b - abbreviated month name
    %B - full month name
    %C - century number
    %d - the day of the month (00 ... 31)
    %e - the day of the month (0 ... 31)
    %H - hour (00 ... 23)
    %I - hour (01 ... 12)
    %j - day of the year ( 000 ... 366)
    %k - hour (0 ... 23)
    %l - hour (1 ... 12)
    %m - month (01 ... 12)
    %M - minute (00 ... 59)
    %n - a newline character
    %p - "PM" or "AM"
    %P - "pm" or "am"
    %S - second (00 ... 59)
    %s - number of seconds since Epoch (since Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 UTC)
    %t - a tab character
    %U, %W, %V - the week number. The week 01 is the week that has the Thursday in the current year, which is equivalent to the week that contains the fourth day of January. Weeks start on Monday.
    %u - the day of the week (1 ... 7, 1 = MON)
    %w - the day of the week (0 ... 6, 0 = SUN)
    %y - year without the century (00 ... 99)
    %Y - year including the century (ex. 2012)
    %% - a literal % character
    "%Y-%m-%d" format="%e %b %Y"
    id ID of input field, optional. "id_" + name id="idStart"
    size Size of input field, in number of characters. (calculated as needed) size="12"
    class CSS class of input field. "twikiInputField" class="dateField"
    Additional HTML input field attributes, such as alt, disabled, maxlength, onblur, onchange, onfocus, readonly, style, tabindex, title    
  • Example:
    <form action="...">
    %DATEPICKER{ name="Start_Date" }%
  • Expands to:
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DatabaseAndFormsVariables, DateAndTimeVariables, EditingAndContentUpdateVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables, UIAndVisualizationVariables
  • Related: DatePickerPlugin, TWikiForms (this topic)

SLIDESHOWEND -- end slideshow

SLIDESHOWSTART -- convert a topic with headings into a slideshow

TOC -- table of contents of current topic

  • Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>") are taken into account. Any heading text after "!!" is excluded from the TOC; for example, write "---+!! text" if you do not want to list a header in the TOC. An abbreviated heading can be shown in the TOC, such as "---++ text!! this is excluded from TOC".
  • Syntax: %TOC%
  • Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables, UIAndVisualizationVariables
  • Related: INCLUDE, TOC{"Topic"} (this topic)

TOC{"Topic"} -- table of contents

  • Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>") are taken into account. Any heading text after "!!" is excluded from the TOC; for example, write "---+!! text" if you do not want to list a header in the TOC. An abbreviated heading can be shown in the TOC, such as "---++ text!! this is excluded from TOC".
  • Syntax: %TOC{"SomeTopic" ...}%
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    "TopicName" Topic name Current topic
    web="Name" Name of web Current web
    depth="2" Limit depth of headings shown in TOC TOC_MAX_DEPTH if defined. Otherwise 6
    mindepth="2" Specify the minimum depth of headings TOC_MIN_DEPTH if defined. Otherwise 1
    title="Some text" Title to appear at top of TOC none (TOC_TITLE setting)
    style="..." Style to apply to the TOC none (TOC_STYLE setting)
  • Example: %TOC{depth="2"}%
  • Example: %TOC{"TWikiDocumentation" web="TWiki" title="Contents:" style="float: right;"}%
  • Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables, UIAndVisualizationVariables
  • Related: INCLUDE, TOC (this topic)

Total: 7 variables

Related Topics: TWikiVariables, TWikiVariablesSearch, TWikiVariablesQuickStart

Topic revision: r1 - 2012-11-11 - TWikiContributor

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