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ADDTOHEAD -- add HTML to the HTML head section of the current page

  • Useful for TWiki applications to add custom CSS or JavaScript to the HTML head section of a topic. Supplied TWiki variables will be expanded. %ADDTOHEAD{}% expands in-place to an empty string, unless there is an error in which case the variable expands to an error string.
  • Syntax: %ADDTOHEAD{ "..." text="..." }%
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Comment:
    "..." ID of the head block, such as "MY_CSS" Optional but recommended
    text="..." HTML text to add to the head section Mutually exclusive with topic=""
    topic="Web.TopicName" Name of topic that contains the full HTML text to add to the head section, such as topic="Main.MyCssTopic" Mutually exclusive with text=""
    section="name" If topic parameter is used, includes only the specified named section, as defined in the topic by the STARTSECTION and ENDSECTION variables. Nothing is shown if the named section does not exists. section="" is equivalent to not specifying a section Optional
    requires="..., ..." Comma-separated list of other IDs this one depends on Optional
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DevelopmentVariables
  • Example: %ADDTOHEAD{ "MYBOX_CSS" text="<style type=\"text/css\"> .myBox { height: 22px; background-color: #AFB3C5; } </style>" }% (this topic)

COLORPICKER{} -- color picker for use in HTML forms for TWiki applications

  • The %COLORPICKER{}% variable is handled by the ColorPickerPlugin.
  • Syntax: %COLORPICKER{ name="..." value="..." }%
  • Parameters:
    Parameter Description Default Example
    name Name of input field (required) name="text_color"
    value Initial color value, in hexadecimal notation for the combination of Red, Green, and Blue color values (RGB). (none) value="#0000ff"
    size Size of input field, in number of characters (browser default) size="8"
    class CSS class of input field or the rectangular color block (none) class="twikiInputField"
    style Style of input field or the rectangular color block (none) style="width: 190px; height: 32px"
    type Type of color widget:
    "below" - color picker is located below the input field;
    "popup" - pop-up a color picker window when clicking the button next to the input field
        (this uses very little vertical space);
    "view" - a read-only rectangular block colored in the color value (no color picker);
    "view-hex" - like view, in addition shows the color value as an RGB hexadecimal code (no color picker);
    type="below" type="view-hex"
    Additional parameters can be supplied; they will be added to the HTML input field or the rectangular color block.
  • Example:
    <form action="...">
    %COLORPICKER{ name="text_color" value="#123456" class="twikiInputField" type="popup" }%
    Renders as:
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DatabaseAndFormsVariables, EditingAndContentUpdateVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables, UIAndVisualizationVariables
  • Related: ColorPickerPlugin, TWikiForms (this topic)

COMMENT{ attributes } -- insert an edit box into the topic to easily add comments.

  • A %COMMENT% without parameters shows a simple text box.
  • A %COMMENT{}% can handle the following parameters:
    Parameter Description Default
    type This is the name of the template to use for this comment. Comment templates are defined in a TWiki template - see customization. If this attribute is not defined, the type is whatever is defined by COMMENTPLUGIN_DEFAULT_TYPE, either in this topic or in your WebPreferences. "below"
    default Default text to put into the textarea of the prompt.  
    target Name of the topic to add the comment to the current topic
    location Regular expression specifying the comment location in the target topic. Read carefully the CommentPlugin documentation!  
    mode For compatibility with older versions only, synonymous with type  
    nonotify Set to "on" to disable change notification for target topics "off"
    noform Set to "on" to disable the automatic form that encloses your comment block - remember to insert <form> tags yourself! See CommentPluginExamples#noform for an example. "off"
    nopost Set to "on" to disable insertion of the posted text into the topic. "off"
    remove Set to "on" to remove the comment prompt after the first time it is clicked. "off"
    button Button label text "Add comment"
    emailto Send comment by email. Use comma "," to seperate multiple email addresses. This feature is disabled by default. To enable this feature, please set up "$TWiki::cfg{Plugins}{CommentPlugin}{EmailEnabled} = 1;".  

DASHBOARD -- build a dashboard with banner and boxes

DATEPICKER{} -- pop-up calendar to select a date for use in HTML forms

  • The %DATEPICKER{}% variable is handled by the DatePickerPlugin.
  • Syntax: %DATEPICKER{ name="..." value="..." }%
  • Parameters:
    Parameter Description Default Example
    name Name of input field.
    φ: No output is shown if the name parameter is missing, but the CSS and Javascript are loaded.
    (requiredφ) name="Start"
    value Initial date value. "" (today) value="2012-12-31"
    format Format of resulting date value.
    %a - abbreviated weekday name
    %A - full weekday name
    %b - abbreviated month name
    %B - full month name
    %C - century number
    %d - the day of the month (00 ... 31)
    %e - the day of the month (0 ... 31)
    %H - hour (00 ... 23)
    %I - hour (01 ... 12)
    %j - day of the year ( 000 ... 366)
    %k - hour (0 ... 23)
    %l - hour (1 ... 12)
    %m - month (01 ... 12)
    %M - minute (00 ... 59)
    %n - a newline character
    %p - "PM" or "AM"
    %P - "pm" or "am"
    %S - second (00 ... 59)
    %s - number of seconds since Epoch (since Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 UTC)
    %t - a tab character
    %U, %W, %V - the week number. The week 01 is the week that has the Thursday in the current year, which is equivalent to the week that contains the fourth day of January. Weeks start on Monday.
    %u - the day of the week (1 ... 7, 1 = MON)
    %w - the day of the week (0 ... 6, 0 = SUN)
    %y - year without the century (00 ... 99)
    %Y - year including the century (ex. 2012)
    %% - a literal % character
    "%Y-%m-%d" format="%e %b %Y"
    id ID of input field, optional. "id_" + name id="idStart"
    size Size of input field, in number of characters. (calculated as needed) size="12"
    class CSS class of input field. "twikiInputField" class="dateField"
    Additional HTML input field attributes, such as alt, disabled, maxlength, onblur, onchange, onfocus, readonly, style, tabindex, title    
  • Example:
    <form action="...">
    %DATEPICKER{ name="Start_Date" }%
  • Expands to:
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DatabaseAndFormsVariables, DateAndTimeVariables, EditingAndContentUpdateVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables, UIAndVisualizationVariables
  • Related: DatePickerPlugin, TWikiForms (this topic)

ENCODE{string} -- encode a string to URL entities, HTML entities, CSV format, and more

  • Encode "special" characters in a string to HTML numeric entities, URL entities. Also escapes special characters for CSV use and more.
  • Encoded characters:
    • all non-printable ASCII characters below space, except newline ("\n") and linefeed ("\r")
    • HTML special characters "<", ">", "&", single quote (') and double quote (")
    • TWiki special characters "%", "[", "]", "@", "_", "*", "=" and "|"
  • Syntax: %ENCODE{"string"}%
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    "string" String to encode required (can be empty)
    type="url" Encode special characters for URL parameter use, like a double quote into %22 (this is the default)
    type="quotes" Escape double quotes with backslashes (\"), does not change other characters. This type does not protect against cross-site scripting. type="url"
    type="moderate" Encode special characters into HTML entities for moderate cross-site scripting protection: "<", ">", single quote (') and double quote (") are encoded. Useful to allow TWiki variables in comment boxes. type="url"
    type="safe" Encode special characters into HTML entities for cross-site scripting protection: "<", ">", "%", single quote (') and double quote (") are encoded. type="url"
    type="entity" Encode special characters into HTML entities, like a double quote into &#034;. Does not encode newline (\n) or linefeed (\r). type="url"
    extra=" $n$r"
    For type="entity" only, use the extra parameter to encode additional characters to HTML numeric entities. Formatting tokens can be used, such as "$n" for newline. Note that type="entity" extra=" $n$r" is equivalent to type="html". type="url"
    type="html" Encode special characters into HTML entities. In addition to type="entity", it also encodes space, \n and \r. Useful to encode text properly in HTML input fields. See equivalent ENTITY. type="url"
    type="json" Escape double quotes and backslashes with backslashes (\" and \\, respectively), escape non-printable characters with hex code \u0000 ... \u001F, does not change other characters. Use this to properly escape text for a JSON string. Example result: This is a string with \"quoted\" and \\backslashed\\ text. type="url"
    type="csv" Escape single quotes and double quotes by repeating them, other characters do not change. Use this to properly escape fields in CSV reports that output comma-separated values, such as "field 1","field 2 with ''single'' and ""double"" quotes". type="url"
    type="search" Special encoding used for SEARCH: Substitute % characters into non-printable characters, so that TWikiVariables are no longer expanded. Also escapes quotes. Used to feed a search string from a URLPARAM into SEARCH without expanding any variables, such as when searching for %BR%. type="url"
    newline="..." Replace a newline with the specified value before encoding.
    Please note that newline="<br/>" does not bring <br/> to the output because < and > are encoded (except with the quotes and csv types). To have <br/> in the output, you need to specify newline="$br". However, newline="$br" does not work in combination with type="url" (the defautl type). This shouldn't be a problem because it's very rare to need to have <br/> encoded in a URL.
    In addition to $br, $n has a special meaning in a newline parameter value - $n results in a newline in the output.
    This parameter is expected to be used in combination with the moderate, safe, entity, or html type. With the other types, it causes unuseful results.
  • Examples:
    • %ENCODE{"spaced name"}% expands to spaced%20name
    • %ENCODE{"spaced name" type="entity" extra=" "}% expands to spaced&#32;name
  • Notes:
    • Values of HTML input fields should be encoded as "html". A shorter %ENTITY{any text}% can be used instead of the more verbose %ENCODE{ "any text" type="html" }%.
      Example: <input type="text" name="address" value="%ENTITY{any text}%" />
    • Double quotes in strings must be escaped when passed into other TWiki variables.
      Example: %SET{ "lunch" value="%ENCODE{ "string with "quotes"" type="quotes" }%" remember="1" }%
    • Use type="moderate", type="safe", type="entity" or type="html" to protect user input from URL parameters and external sources against cross-site scripting (XSS). type="html" is the safest mode, but some TWiki applications might not work. type="safe" provides a safe middle ground, type="moderate" provides only moderate cross-site scripting protection.
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DevelopmentVariables, ExportAndPublishingVariables

GET{"name"} -- get a variable

  • Get the value of a named variable, previously set with %SET{}%. The %SET{}% and %GET{}% variables are handled by the SetGetPlugin.
  • Syntax: %GET{ "name" default="..." }%
  • Parameters:
    Parameter Description Default
    "name" Name of variable, such as menu. May optionally contain a JSON path, such as menu.File.Open. (required)
    format="..." Format with supported variables:
    $name for variable name
    $value for variable value
    $isdefined expanding to 1 or 0 depending if variable is defined or not
    $isset expanding to 1 or 0 depending if variable is logically true or false
    $ispersistent expanding to 1 or 0 depending if variable is persistent or not
    • all FormatTokens such as $dollar, $n, $percnt.
    default="..." Text shown if variable is not defined, e.g. not found. This parameter overrides the format parameter. "" (empty string)
    store="..." Specify a store name that holds the persistent variable. This assumes the variable was previously set with the same store name. ""
  • Example: %GET{"lunch"}% returns Sushi if the following has been previously set:
    %SET{ "lunch" value="Sushi" }% - see more examples
  • JSON Syntax: %GET{ name }% - see description.
  • Example to set a JSON object and to get a JSON object with a JSON path:
    • %SET{ menu = { "File": { "New": [ "new", "F" ], "Open": [ "open", "F" ] }, "Edit": { "Copy": [ "cpy", "F" ], "Paste": [ "pst", "F" ] } } }% - set a JSON object
    • %GET{ menu.File.Open }% - returns: ["open","F"]
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DevelopmentVariables
  • Related: IF, SET, SETGETDUMP, SetGetPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin#FuncGET (this topic)

HEADLINES{"url"} -- show RSS and ATOM feeds in TWiki pages

  • The %HEADLINES{"url"}% variable is handled by the HeadlinesPlugin.
  • Syntax: %HEADLINES{ "http://..." }%
  • Parameters: (all but the first one are optional)
    "..." Source of RSS or ATOM feed; this can be a URL (starting with http) or a web.topic location for internal feeds
    refresh="60" Refresh rate in minutes for caching feed; "0" for no caching
    limit="12" Maximum number of items shown
    header="..." Header. May include these variables:
    - $channeltitle, $title: title of channel (channel.title)
    - $channellink, $link: link of channel (
    - $channeldescription, $description: description (channel.description)
    - $channeldate, $date: publication date of the channel (channel.pubDate)
    - $rights: copyrights of the channel (channel.copyright)
    - $imagetitle: title text for site (image.title)
    - $imagelink: link for site (
    - $imageurl: URL of image (image.url)
    - $imagedescription: description of image (image.description)
    format="..." Format of one item. May include these variables:
    - $title: news item title (item.title)
    - $link: news item link (
    - $description: news item description (item.description)
    - $date: the publication date (item.pubDate,
    - $category: the article category (item.category)
    newline="$br" Convert newlines in feed; "$br" becomes <br /> tag, default "$n" (newline)
    filter="..." Filter out content from feed; for example to delete an encoded break tag specify "&lt;br&gt;"
  • Example: %HEADLINES{ "" header="*[[$link][$title]]:* $description" format="$t* [[$link][$title]]" limit="4" }% shows the latest Slashdot news in bullet list format
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, ImportVariables
  • Related: HeadlinesPlugin (this topic)

INCLUDE{"page"} -- include other topic, attachment, or web page

  • Merges the content of a specified page into the current one before rendering.
  • Syntax: %INCLUDE{"page" ...}%
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    "SomeTopic" The name of a topic located in the current web, i.e. %INCLUDE{"WebNotify"}%  
    "Web.Topic" A topic in another web, i.e. %INCLUDE{"TWiki.SiteMap"}%  
    "http://..." A full qualified URL, i.e. %INCLUDE{""}%. Supported content types are text/html and text/plain by default. See allowanytype.
    IDEA! if the URL resolves to an attachment file on the server this will automatically translate to a server-side include.
    attachment="filename.ext" Include the specified attachment instead of topic text. The attachment content is subject to processing just like when topic text is included. For example, text up to %STARTINCLUDE% is excluded. When including an attachment, you can do without topic specification - %INCLUDE{attachment="filename.ext"}% works, which results in including the attachment of the same topic.  
    allowanytype="on" Suppress the content type checking in including the web page specified by a URL. disabled
    charset="CHARSET" Specify the charset of the included content so that a proper charset conversion happens when it's different from the site charset. Needless to say, this works for a TWiki topic, a topic attachment, and a content specified with a URL. This parameter overrides otherwise specified or implied charset. none
    pattern="..." Include a subset of a topic or a web page. Specify a RegularExpression that scans from start ('^') to end and contains the text you want to keep in parenthesis, e.g., pattern="^.*?(from here.*?to here).*". IncludeTopicsAndWebPages has more. none
    headingoffset="2" Adjust the level of headings in the included topic. A "2" or "+2" increases the level by two, e.g. a ---+ H1 turns into a ---+++ H3. Positive and negative values are supported. Adjusted min and max levels are H1 and H6, respectively. no adjustment
    hidetoc="on" Remove %TOC% in included content. Useful to show table of contents in individual topics, while suppressing them if included in a big master document. TOC_HIDE_IF_
    rev="2" Include a previous topic revision; N/A for URLs top revision
    raw="on" (for HTTP inclusion) When a page is included via HTTP, normally GNHLUG will process it, doing the following: 1) Alter relative links to point back to originating host, 2) Remove some basic HTML tags (html, head, body, script) and finally 3) Remove newlines from HTML tags spanning multiple lines. If you prefer to include exactly what is in the source of the originating page set this to on. raw="on" is short for disableremoveheaders="on", disableremovescript="on", disableremovebody="on", disablecompresstags="on" and disablerewriteurls="on". disabled
    raw="on" (for topic or attachment inclusion) When a topic is included, normally TWiki variables in the included topic are expanded in the context of the included topic. If raw="on" is specified, that variable expansion does not happen. You may wonder what's that for and what are the implications, which are found out on IncludeTopicRaw.
    Because of the "in the raw" nature of the parameter, if it's specified, parameters such as encode, headingoffset, hidetoc, newline, nofinalnewline, and section are ignored.
    literal="on" While using the raw option will indeed include the raw content, the included content will still be processed and rendered like regular topic content. To disable parsing of the included content, set the literal option to "on". disabled
    nofinalnewline="on" Delete the new line at the end of the result if exists disabled
    newline="$br" Convert newlines in textarea to other delimiters. Variable $br expands to <br /> tag, and $n to a newline. Other text is encoded based on encode parameter. no conversion
    encode="html" Encode special characters into HTML entities. If a FORMFIELD is passed into an HTML form field it should be encoded as "html". Additional encodings available: encode="quote", encode="moderate", encode="safe", encode="entity" and encode="url". See ENCODE for details. no encoding
    disableremoveheaders="on" Bypass stripping headers from included HTML (everything until first </head> tag) disabled
    disableremovescript="on" Bypass stripping all <script> tags from included HTML disabled
    disableremovebody="on" Bypass stripping the </body> tag and everything around over and below it disabled
    disablecompresstags="on" Bypass replacing newlines in HTML tags with spaces. This compression step rewrites unmatched <'s into &lt; entities unless bypassed disabled
    disablerewriteurls="on" Bypass rewriting relative URLs into absolute ones disabled
    disablefixlinks="on" Bypass fixing WikiWord links if include is done across webs. Fixing links in included text such as from SomeLink to Otherweb.SomeLink is usually desirable so that links in included text still point to the same target disabled
    warn="off" Warn if topic include fails: Fail silently (if off); output default warning (if set to on); else, output specific text (use $topic for topic name) %INCLUDEWARNING% preferences setting
    section="name" Includes only the specified named section, as defined in the included topic by the STARTSECTION and ENDSECTION variables. Nothing is shown if the named section does not exists. section="" is equivalent to not specifying a section  
    PARAMONE="val 1"
    PARAMTWO="val 2"
    Any other parameter will be defined as a variable within the scope of the included topic. The example parameters on the left will result in %PARAMONE% and %PARAMTWO% being defined within the included topic. A default value for a variable can be specified in the included topic in case the corresponding parameter is not specified, such as %PARAMONE{ default="..." }%  
  • Security Considerations:
    • The ability to INCLUDE arbitrary URLs, such as %INCLUDE{""}% is turned off by default. To turn this on, ask your TWiki administrator to enable the {INCLUDE}{AllowURLs} flag in the Security setup section of configure.
    • JavaScript in included web pages is filtered out as a security precaution per default. Disable filtering with raw or disableremovescript parameter.
  • Infinite INCLUDE loop prevention:
    • To prevent obvious infinite INCLUDE loop, %INCLUDE{"http://THIS_SERVER/.../THIS_WEB/THIS_TOPIC}% is detected and blocked.
    • If the server has aliases, $TWiki::cfg{UrlHostRegex} should be set so that it matches all possible server names. e.g.
      $TWiki::cfg{UrlHostRegex} = qr{http://(www\.)?domain\.com};
  • INCLUDE attachment:
    As described above, there are two ways to include an attachment. They are similar, but behave slightly differently.
    • attachment="filename.ext"
      This works in the same manner as ordinary topic text inclusion. %STARTINCLUDE% and %STOPINCLUDE% in the attachment are observed. The section parameter is observed. The variables are expanded in the context of the topic having the attachment. For example, %TOPIC% is expanded to the name of the topic having the attachment.
    • Specifying the URL of an attachment. (e.g. %INCLUDE{%ATTACHURL%/foo.txt}%)
      The attachment content is processed in the same manner as when data is retrieved from another web server. Unless raw="on" is specified, the content of <body>...</body> is extracted, all occurrences of <script>...</script> are removed. Topic context change doesn't happen because in general inclusion via HTTP doesn't cause topic context change.
  • Examples: See IncludeTopicsAndWebPages
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DevelopmentVariables, ImportVariables

JQENDTAB -- end a JQuery tab within a tab pane

JQENDTABPANE -- end a JQuery tab pane

JQTAB -- start a JQuery tab within a tab pane

  • This variable is handled by the JQueryPlugin. For description see JQTABPANE
  • Syntax: %JQTABPANE% %JQTAB{"Tab 1"}% ... %JQENDTAB% %JQTAB{"Tab 2"}% ... %JQENDTAB% ... %JQENDTABPANE%
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    "..." Name of tab, shown as tab label (required)
    before When switching tabs, this is the Javascript fragment to be executed just before the tab is displayed ""
    after This Javascript handler is to be executed after the tab has been made visible ""
    afterload This Javascript handler will be called when content loaded asynchronously has finished loading (using the url parameter described below). Depending on the network latency and server response time, this can be significantly later than execution of the after handler above ""
    url Link from where to load the content of the tab asynchronously when selecting this tab; the result of the addressed handler will replace the content area; if no url is set the content of the TAB ... ENDTAB area will be shown when the tab is selected ""
    container Container element (".someClass" or "#someID") where content will be loaded asynchronously using Ajax; this is only used together with url ".jqTabContents"
    class Add additional class to existing tab class "jqTab" ""
  • Example: See complete example at JQTABPANE
  • Example: Asynchronously load the content of TimBernersLee topic into a tab content:
    %JQTAB{ "Tim Berners-Lee" url="%SCRIPTURL{view}%/TWiki/TimBernersLee?skin=text" }%
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables
  • Related: JQENDTAB, JQENDTABPANE, JQTABPANE, JQueryPlugin (this topic)

JQTABPANE -- start a JQuery tab pane

  • Create nice looking horizontal tab panes in TWiki topics. Write a sequence of %JQTAB{"..."}% and %JQENDTAB% pairs, and enclose them in %JQTABPANE% and %JQENDTABPANE%. Tab panes can be nested, e.g. within one tab you can add another tab pane. These variable are handled by the JQueryPlugin.
  • Syntax: %JQTABPANE{ select="1" }% %JQTAB{"Tab 1"}% ... %JQENDTAB% %JQTAB{"Tab 2"}% ... %JQENDTAB% ... %JQENDTABPANE%
  • Supported parameter:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    select="" Select a tab pane, default is the first tab. "1"
  • Note: A tab can be selected with a tab URL parameter using %JQTABPANE{ select="%URLPARAM{tab}%" }%
  • Example:
    %JQTAB{"Tab 1"}%
    Tab 1 content...
    %JQTAB{"Tab 2"}%
    Tab 2 content...
  • Renders as:

    Tab 1

    Tab 1 content...

    Tab 2

    Tab 2 content...
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables
  • Related: JQENDTAB, JQENDTABPANE, JQTAB, JQueryPlugin (this topic)

SET{"name" value="..."} -- set a variable

  • Set a named variable that can be retrieved later with %GET{}%. No output is shown, e.g. %SET{}% resolves to an empty string. It is also possible to set a JSON object using a JSON path. The %SET{}% and %GET{}% variables are handled by the SetGetPlugin.
  • Syntax: %SET{ "name" value="..." remember="1" }%
  • Parameters:
    Parameter Description Default
    "name" Name of variable. Alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores can be used. (required)
    value="..." Value of variable. Escape double quotes with backslash. (required, may be empty)
    remember="1" If set, the variable will be stored persistently so that it can be used later in any TWiki topic. Alternatively use the store parameter. See important notes. "0"
    store="..." Specify a store name to persistently store the variable, such as store="Parts". Use alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores for the name. For better performance, store is preferred over the remember parameter if you need to store a large dataset. See important notes. ""
  • Example: %SET{"lunch" value="Sushi"}% - see more examples.
  • JSON Syntax: %SET{ name = { ... } remember="1" }% - see description.
    • An optional remember="1" or store="..." parameter can be appended. If specified, the JSON object will be stored persistently so that it can be used later in any TWiki topic.
  • Example to set, modify and get a JSON object:
    • %SET{ menu = { "File": { "New": [ "new", "F" ], "Open": [ "open", "F" ] }, "Edit": { "Copy": [ "cpy", "F" ], "Paste": [ "pst", "F" ] } } }% - set a JSON object
    • %GET{ menu }% - returns: {"File":{"New":["new","F"],"Open":["open","F"]},"Edit":{"Copy":["cpy","F"],"Paste":["pst","F"]}}
    • %SET{ menu.File.Open[1] = "T" }% - modify a JSON object
    • %GET{ menu }% - returns: {"File":{"New":["new","F"],"Open":["open","T"]},"Edit":{"Copy":["cpy","F"],"Paste":["pst","F"]}}
    • %SET{ menu.Edit.Cut = [ "cut", "T" ] }% - add to a JSON object
    • %GET{ menu }% - returns: {"File":{"New":["new","F"],"Open":["open","T"]},"Edit":{"Copy":["cpy","F"],"Paste":["pst","F"],"Cut":["cut","T"]}}
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DevelopmentVariables
  • Related: GET, IF, SETGETDUMP, SetGetPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin#FuncSET (this topic)

SETGETDUMP{...} -- dump variables

TWISTY{ attributes } -- dynamically open and close sections of content

Total: 16 variables

Related Topics: UserDocumentationCategory, TWikiVariables, TWikiVariablesWizard, TWikiVariablesQuickStart, SearchHelp

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Topic revision: r2 - 2013-04-22 - TWikiContributor

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