This page describes the overall plan for the GNHLUG MythTV InstallFest.
What is all this?
To find out what MythTV is and what it can do for you, check out the
GNHLUG MythTV page and the
official MythTV web site
. The really short version is that it's free software suite for Linux, designed to automatically record TV shows, manage your music and your digital photographs, and play them back at your convenience.
GNHLUG is the
Greater New Hampshire Linux User Group
. We are putting on this InstallFest event in coordination with the
New Hampshire Technical Institute
. We are doing this as a service to the community, because we like Linux, and because we needed this help ourselves at one time.
An "InstallFest" is where the more experienced (that would be us) guide the less experienced (you) though the process of installing and configuring some software (MythTV, in this case). Because this is a "mass installation", it has to be more "standardized" than what
FOSS people may be used to having. This is to try to get the maximum number of people successfully installed at one time. Due to limited time and man-power, we have to limit the number of options to those which have been shown to work in the past.
GNHLUG has held a pilot InstallFest, and has had a measure of success. We are now opening it up to members of GNHLUG and selected students of NHTI, on a modified First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) basis. This is a modified FCFS because we want to be fair to both NHTI, who has graciously worked with us to put on this event and is making their facilities available, as well as our own members. In the future we hope to open it up further, to even more of the public, and to make it "Real Easy" to build one of the MythTV systems.
There are several things you will need to do, both with your hardware, and in terms of sign-up.
YOU MUST READ THE MythTV InstallFest Requirements PAGE AND FOLLOW ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS. The short version is:
Again, PLEASE read the
full list of requirements. Due to limited time, man-power, and space,
The event itself
We will start the InstallFest with a brief demonstration of MythTV itself, for those people who have never seen it (or another DVR, even). This will help solidify in people's minds why they are doing the steps as they go through the installation. This will also help individuals determine when they are satisfied with their "install", instead of waiting for everyone else to finish installation and leave.
Installation and configuration
We will be installing Fedora Core 6, a Linux operating system distribution. On top of that, we will install software packages for MythTV. Then we proceed with the configuration of the MythTV software. Some of the steps will be the same for everyone. Where needed, we will provide guidance and assistance for you particular combination of tuner cards, TV source, and so on. This is part of why we need people to
register with us, and
sign-up with Zap2it, in advance. We need to prepare, too.
After the InstallFest
With any luck at all, you will take home a MythTV box that starts up and tries to connect to your TV and Internet feeds. We assume you will be able to do hook-up all the wires and such at your home.
We expect that we will be able to help you get set-up before you leave the "InstallFest" with the information that you have filled out in the form on the web. But you may find that you have to re-configure your system. This is what the pad of paper is for.
Contacting us
register for the event
, please use
this form
If you have problems with the website or the registration form, or if you have questions not answered in the documentation on this site, or if you need to cancel, please send email to
mythfest@gnhlug*REMOVE*.org (
remove the "NoSpam" part).
In closing
Check the requirements.
Thanks to all the people who helped to make this possible.
May the remote be with you!