Many people have been involved in creating TWiki 6.1. Special thanks go to the most active contributors in the following areas:
. For the full list of contributors see
Many people have been involved in creating TWiki 6.0. Special thanks go to the most active contributors in the following areas:
. For the full list of contributors see
Many people have been involved in creating TWiki 5.1. Special thanks go to the most active contributors in the following areas:
. For the full list of contributors see
Many people have been involved in creating TWiki 5.0. Special thanks go to the most active contributors in the following areas:
. For the full list of contributors see
Many people have been involved in creating TWiki 4.3. Special thanks go to the most active contributors in the following areas:
. For the full list of contributors see
Many people have been involved in creating TWiki 4.2. Special thanks go to the most active contributors in the following areas:
. For the full list of contributors see
Order of contributors under "Spec and code", "Templates and skins" and "Documentation" is based on number of SVN file changes for core and default extensions from March 2007 (svn rev:13046) to Jan 2008 (svn rev:16210). (Details at
). Order of contributors under "Testing and bug fixing" is based on Bugs web statistics from 2007-03 to 2007-12. Order of contributors under "TWiki.org wiki champions" and "Customer support" is based on TWiki.org web statistics from 2007-02 to 2007-12.
Although many more people have been involved in creating TWiki-4.1, special thanks go to the most active contributors in the following areas:
. For the full list of contributors see
Sequence of contributors under "Spec, code, testing", "Templates and skins" and "Documentation" is based on number of SVN check-ins for core and default extensions from 2006-02 to 2006-12. Sequence of contributors under "TWiki.org wiki champions" and "Customer support" is based on TWiki.org web statistics from 2006-02 to 2006-12.
Many, many people worked on TWiki-4.0.0. The credits in the table below only list the people who worked on individual enhancements. If you find an omission please fix it at
. There were many other contributors; for a full list, visit
Most of the redesign, refactoring and new documentation work in Dakar release was done by
provided ideas and proof of concept for several improvements. Other people who gave
amounts of their time and patience to less sexy aspects of the work, such as testing, infrastructure and documentation, are
Installation & configuration |
Contributor |
Much simpler install and configuration |
Crawford Currie , LynnwoodBrown , ArthurClemens |
mod_perl safe code for better performance |
Crawford Currie |
Security |
Security sandbox blocking exploits for remote command execution on the server |
Florian Weimer , Crawford Currie , Sven Dowideit |
Reworked access permission model |
Crawford Currie |
Internationalization & localization |
User Interface Internationalisation |
AntonioTerceiro |
Chinese translation |
CheDong |
Danish translation |
SteffenPoulsen |
Dutch translation |
ArthurClemens |
French translation |
BenVoui |
German translation |
AndreUlrich |
Italian translation |
MassimoMancini |
Polish translation |
ZbigniewKulesza |
Portuguese translation |
AntonioTerceiro , CarlinhosCecconi |
Spanish translation |
WillNorris , MiguelABayona |
Swedish translation |
Erik Åman |
New features for users |
Edit conflict resolution with automatic merge |
Crawford Currie |
Fine grained change notification on page level and parent/child relationship |
Crawford Currie |
WYSIWYG editor |
Crawford Currie , ColasNahaboo , DamienMandrioli , RomainRaugi |
Integrated session support |
GregAbbas , Crawford Currie |
Webserver-independent login/logout |
Crawford Currie |
Registration process with e-mail confirmation |
MartinCleaver |
Tip of the Day box in TWiki Home |
PaulineCheung , Peter Thoeny , AntonAylward |
ATOM feeds |
Peter Thoeny |
"Force New Revision" check box for topic save |
WillNorris |
New features for TWiki administrators and wiki application developers |
Improved preferences handling |
ThomasWeigert , Crawford Currie |
Named include sections |
RafaelAlvarez |
Create topic names with consecutive numbers |
Sven Dowideit |
Parameterized includes |
Crawford Currie |
Dynamic form option definitions of TWikiForms with FormattedSearch |
MartinCleaver |
SEARCH enhancements with new parameters excludeweb , newline , noempty , nofinalnewline , nonoise , recurse , zeroresults |
Crawford Currie , ArthurClemens , Peter Thoeny , ThomasWeigert |
FormattedSearch enhancements with $changes , $count , $formfield(name, 30, ...) , $summary(expandvar) , $summary(noheaders) , $summary(showvarnames) |
ColasNahaboo , Crawford Currie , Peter Thoeny , Sven Dowideit |
ArthurClemens , AntonioTerceiro , Crawford Currie , GregAbbas , Peter Thoeny , Sven Dowideit , WillNorris and many more |
TWiki form with hidden type and other form enhancements |
LynnwoodBrown , ThomasWeigert |
Support topic-specific templates for TWiki applications |
ThomasWeigert |
Direct save feature for one-click template-based topic creation |
LynnwoodBrown , Crawford Currie , ThomasWeigert |
Automatic Attachments showing all files in the attachment directory |
MartinCleaver |
Rename, move or delete webs |
PeterNixon |
Hierarchical subwebs (beta) |
PeterNixon |
New features for Plugin developers |
REST (representational state transfer) interface for Plugins |
RafaelAlvarez , TWiki:Main.MartinCleaver , Sven Dowideit |
New and improved Plugins APIs |
Crawford Currie , ThomasWeigert |
Improvements in the TWiki engine room |
Major OO redesign and refactoring of codebase |
Crawford Currie |
Automatic build system |
Crawford Currie |
Extensive test suite, unit tests and testcases |
Crawford Currie |
TWiki:Codev.DevelopBranch , DEVELOP branch Bugs system |
Sven Dowideit |
Documentation, logo artwork, skins: |
Documentation |
Crawford Currie , LynnwoodBrown , Peter Thoeny , Sven Dowideit and others |
Design of TWikiLogos with big "T" in a speech bubble |
ArthurClemens , Peter Thoeny |
Improved templates and PatternSkin |
ArthurClemens |
Details of New Features and Enhancements of 01-Sep-2004 Release |
Developer, Sponsor |
Rendering: Table with multi-span rows, functionality provided by Table Plugin. Details |
TWiki:Main.WalterMundt |
Plugins: New callback afterSaveHandler , called after a topic is saved. Details |
TWiki:Main.WalterMundt |
Plugins: New functions TWiki::Func::getPluginPreferences* to get Plugin preferences. Details |
TWiki:Main.WalterMundt |
Code refactoring: Fix logical error in upload script which prevented MIME filename from being used. Details |
TWiki:Main.WalterMundt |
Skins: Added CSS class names to Diff output. Details |
TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
Rendering: Allow custom styles for the "?" of uncreated topics. Details |
TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
Plugins: New function TWiki::Func::formatTime to format time into a string. Details |
TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
UI: Topic diff shows unified diff with unchanged context. Details |
TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
UI: Diff feature shows TWiki form changes in nice tables. Details |
TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
Variables: Set times to be displayed as gmtime or servertime. Details |
TWiki:Main.SueBlake TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
Internationalization: Support use of UTF-8 URLs for I18N characters in TWiki page and attachment names. Details |
TWiki:Main.RichardDonkin |
Plugins: New function TWiki::Func::getRegularExpression to get predefined regular expressions. Details |
TWiki:Main.RichardDonkin |
Variables: New REVINFO variable in templates supports flexible display of revision information. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
Variables: New title parameter for TOC variable. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens |
UI: In attachment table, change 'action' to 'manage'. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens |
UI: Smaller usability enhancements on the file attachment table. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens |
UI: Improved functionality of the More screen. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens |
Install: Remove office locations from registration. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Install: Remove the Know web from the distribution. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Preferences: TWiki Preferences need to be secured properly. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Skins: New skin browser to choose from installed skins. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Skin: Convey an important broadcast message to all users, e.g. scheduled server downtime. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Rendering: Render IRC and NNTP as a URL. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Rendering: TWiki Form with Label type. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Rendering: Web names can now be WikiWords. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Variables: Properly encode parameters for form fields with ENCODE variable. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Variables: Expand USERNAME and WIKINAME in Template Topics. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Variables: Expand same variables in new user template as in template topics. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Variables: Optionally warn when included topic does not exist; with the option to create the included topic. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Variables: In topic text show file-types of attached files as icons. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Variables: Meta data rendering for form fields with META{"formfield"}. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Variables: New PLUGINVERSION variable. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Variables: URLPARAM now has a default="..." argument, for when no value has been given. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Variables: URLPARAM variable with newline parameter. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Search: New switch for search to perform an AND NOT search. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Search: Keyword search to search with implicit AND. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Search: Multiple searches in same topic with new multiple="on" paramter. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Search: Remove limitation on number of topics to search in a web. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Search: Exclude topics from search with an excludetopic parameter. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Search: Expand Variables on Formatted Search with expandvariables Flag. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Search: Formatted Search with Conditional Output. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Search: Formatted Search with $parent token to get the parent topic. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Search: New separator parameter to SEARCH supports better SEARCH embedding. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Search: Improved search performance when sorting result by topic name. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Search: New scope=all search parameter to search in topic name and topic text at the same time. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Search: New topic parameter for AND search on topic text and topic name. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Search modules uses Perl-style keyword parameters (code cleanup). Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Search: Sort search by topic creation date. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Search: Increase levels of nested search from 2 to 16. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Plugins: New pre-installed Plugins CommentPlugin, EditTablePlugin, RenderListPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin, TablePlugin. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Plugins: New callbacks beforeCommonTagsHandler and afterCommonTagsHandler . Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Plugins: New function TWiki::Func::extractParameters to extract all parameters from a variable string. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Plugins: A recommendation for where a Plugin can store its data. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
UI: Show tool-tip topic info on WikiWord links. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
UI: Set the topic parent to none in More screen, e.g. remove the current topic parent. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Code refactoring: The log entry for a save now has a dontNotify flag in the extra field if the user checked the minor changes flag. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Code refactoring: Topic search is done natively in Perl, it does not depend anymore on system calls with pipes. Details |
TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Code refactoring: Optimize preferences handling for better performance. Details |
TWiki:Main.PavelGoran TWiki:Main.WalterMundt |
Install: Configurable password file handling for different types of encryption. Details |
TWiki:Main.PavelGoran TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
Variables: URLPARAM variable with new multiple=on parameter. Details |
TWiki:Main.PaulineCheung TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
UI: Flag for edit script to avoid overwrite of existing topic text and form data. Details |
TWiki:Main.NielsKoldso TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Install: New testenv function to change the locks in the TWiki database to the web server user id (automates installation step). Details |
TWiki:Main.MattWilkie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
UI: Change topic with direct save (without edit/preview/save cycle) and checkpoint save. Details |
TWiki:Main.MattWilkie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
Code refactoring: Move savemulti script into TWiki::UI::Save. Details |
TWiki:Main.MattWilkie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
Install: Ship with an automatic upgrade script to facilitate TWiki upgrades. Details |
TWiki:Main.MartinGregory TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
UI: Improved warning message on unsaved topic. Details |
TWiki:Main.MartinGregory TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
Skins: Ensure that the default template gets overridden by a template passed in. Details |
TWiki:Main.MartinCleaver TWiki:Main.WalterMundt |
Plugins: New callbacks beforeAttachmentSaveHandler and afterAttachmentSaveHandler , used to intervene on attachment save event. Details |
TWiki:Main.MartinCleaver TWiki:Main.WalterMundt |
Plugins: New callback renderWikiWordHandler to custom render links. Details |
TWiki:Main.MartinCleaver TWiki:Main.WalterMundt |
Authentication: Authenticate users when creating new topic in view restricted web. Details |
TWiki:Main.JonathanGraehl TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
Preferences: Use TWiki Forms to set user preferences. Details |
TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre |
Plugins: New callback renderFormFieldForEditHandler to render form field for edit. Details |
TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre |
Search: Formatted Search with Web Form variable to retrieve the name of the form attached to a topic. Details |
TWiki:Main.FrankSmith TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Variables: New variable FORMFIELD returns the value of a field in the form attached to a topic.. Details |
TWiki:Main.DavidSachitano TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
Rendering: Ordered lists with uppercase & lowercase letters, uppercase & lowercase Roman numerals. Details |
TWiki:Main.DanBoitnott TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Skins: Templates can now be read from user topics, as well as from files in the templates diretcory. Details |
TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.WalterMundt |
Install: The shipped .htaccess.txt now needs to be edited before it is valid, to help reduce chances of error. Details |
TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
Rendering: Make acronym linking more strict by requiring a trailing boundary, e.g. excluding TLAfoobar. Details |
TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
Plugins: New function TWiki::Func::checkDependencies to check for module dependency. Details |
TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
UI: Use templates to define how file attachments are displayed. Was previously hard-coded. Details |
TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
Code refactoring: Move functionality out of bin scripts and into included modules. Details |
TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
UI: Disable Escape key in IE textarea to prevent it cancelling work. Details |
TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Code refactoring: Server-side include of attachments accelerates INCLUDE. Details |
TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Code refactoring: Move bin script functionality into TWiki::UI modules. Details |
TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Code refactoring: Refactor variable expansion for edit and register. Details |
TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Search: Topic creation date and user in Formatted Search. Details |
TWiki:Main.CoreyFruitman TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
UI: Save topic and continue edit feature. Details |
TWiki:Main.ColasNahaboo |
Skins: Documented set of CSS classes that are used in standard skins. Details |
TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
Skins: New pre-installed skins PatternSkin and DragonSkin. Details |
TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
Skin: Balanced pastel colors for TWiki webs. Details |
TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens |
Rendering: Use exclamation point prefix to escape TWiki markup rendering. Details |
TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens |
Search: New $wikiname variable in format parameter of formatted search. Details |
TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens |
UI: Removes anchor links from header content and places them before the text to fix 'header becomes link'. Details |
TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens |
UI: Quick reference chart of most used markup is now listed on the edit screen. Details |
TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens |
UI: Reverse order of words in page title for better multi-window/tab navigation. Details |
TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens |
Install: Changes to support shorter URLs with Apache Rewrite rules. Details |
TWiki:Main.AntonioBellezza TWiki:Main.WalterMundt |
UI: Provides a framework to create and modify a topic without going through edit->preview->save sequence. Details |
TWiki:Main.AndreUlrich TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit |
Rendering: New syntax for definition list with dollar sign and colon. Details |
TWiki:Main.AdamTheo TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
The typical TWiki development flow...