---+ GNHLUG Board of Directors Summer 2007 * *What:* GNHLUG (state-wide) organizational/administrative meeting * *Who:* Everyone interested in bringing GNHLUG forward * *Where:* [[GNHLUG.MarthasExchange][Martha's Exchange, Nashua, NH]] * *Date:* Thursday, August 30th * *Time:* 6 PM, Dinner plus meeting * *Meeting Notes:* Org.BoardNotesSummer2007 Activists get-together for a follow-up meeting on what's been accomplished in the last quarter and what projects to take up. Let's try to firm up an agenda. Respond here and to the gnhlug-org list with RSVPs, ideas, suggestions, agenda items, news, etc. ---++ Attendees If you plan on coming, please add your name to this list. (List from Spring meeting, remove yourself if not available.) * Main.HeatherBrodeur - confirmed email * Main.MattBrodeur * Main.MaddogHall - regrets, in Brazil and Canada * Main.TedRoche - Ack Ack Ack Ack! * Main.BillSconce - confirmed verbally * Main.BenScott - ACK * Main.MichaelKazin - confirmed via email * Main.ShawnKOShea - confirmed verbally * Main.BruceDawson - Probably (more than maybe, but not definite) Note: Add your name to the above list if you want directions e-mailed to you. (They will be sent to the email address in your topic page (the page that's displayed when you click on one of the above links.) ---++ Agenda ---+++ Old business 1 Review/accept minutes from last meeting 1 Progress report from President on his assignments 1 Progress report from Secretary on administrative process 1 Progress report from Treasurer on tax status, bank account * Tax Status: What flavor of 501(c) tax-exempt organization are we? 1 Hosstraders / NEARFest discussion ---+++ New business 1 Future activities to consider 1 Request for new discussion topics
This topic: Org
Topic revision: r10 - 2023-12-15 - BenScott
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