Recent Changes in GNHLUG Web retrieved at 17:45 (GMT)
Statistics for GNHLUG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors...
(Edit this table) When Group What Who Tue 8 Apr Amherst First Meeting People Tue 13 May Amherst May Meeting People Tue...
Statistics for GNHLUG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors...
Amherst Meetings Coordinators Primary: Jon `maddog` Hall (MadDog) Meetings Second Tuesday of the month 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM...
Please Note : It is recommended that you check the GNHLUG home page and/or the mailing list archives before planning to attend a meeting. Meetings are not always...
CentraLUG (Concord) DISCONTINUED Concord and central NH area Meetings: Discontinued circa Dec 2011
GamingSIG DISCONTINUED due to lack of interest. Gaming Special Interest Group `To foster community around free software games and game development in...
ManchLUG (Manchester) DISCONTINUED Central New Hampshire Coordinator: .KentaKoga Assistant Coordinator: .ChipMarshall Meetings Typically...
KSCLUG (Keene State College) Unclear if this ever existed, or if the people maintaining this website simply never heard the details
MerriLUG (Nashua) DISCONTINUED MeriLug was a part of the Greater New Hampshire Linux Users Group ( that is centered around the cities of Nashua, Manchester...
PySIG DISCONTINUED Python Special Interest Group Coordinators Primary: BillSconce Alternate: Hewitt Meetings Fourth Thursday...
MonadLUG (Monadnock) DISCONTINUED Peterborough, Keene, and Monadnock areas Coordinator Pro Tempore: CharlieFarinella (cfarinella #64;comcast REMOVE .net...
SLUG (Seacoast LUG) DISCONTINUED NH seacoast area and UNH (Durham) Website: Coordinators Primary: Rob Anderson...
DLSLUG (Dartmouth/Lake Sunapee) DISCONTINUED Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH) and Lake Sunapee area Coordinators: Lloyd Kvam (python #64;venix REMOVE .com...
/Org/ArtWork/penguin oldman state icon.png 1 Web Create New Topic Index (Page List) Search this Web Recent Changes...
The Watchlist Plugin is now the recommended way to get change notifications. See UsingNotify to learn how to use this page. Subscriptions gnhlug org #64;gnhlug...
Welcome to GNHLUG! GNHLUG is the Greater New Hampshire Linux User Group . Find out About Us , including Our Chapters Engage with the GNHLUG community...
GNHLUG Mailing Lists GNHLUG provides several e mail mailing lists at the `state` level. These are open to everyone (not just NH residents). To subscribe to a list...
Statistics for GNHLUG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors...
Contact GNHLUG GNHLUG welcomes all feedback questions, suggestions, complements, criticism. Only the `Reason` and `Message` fields are required. You can submit...
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) provides an alternate means of being notified of changes to our web site. RSS is a form of XML which can be read in many browsers...
(Edit this table) When Group What Who How many \ Never Nobody Nothing recent Nobody 0 \ (Edit this table) No affiliation with...
Contact Request Submitted Successfully Thank you for reaching out to us. Your message has been submitted and will be read. Please understand that GNHLUG is entirely...
Past Events Here you will find information on past events GNHLUG has hosted, sponsored, or been a part of. See also: RecentEvents, UpcomingEvents, ParsingPastEvents...
Preferences for the GNHLUG Web About this page This page is preferences for the entire GNHLUG Web (within this overall TWiki site) Web preferences override...
Mar 2007 1498 7 0 266 WebRss 250 WebHome 95 UpcomingEvents 66 PastEvents 50 MythFest 48 OurChapters 42 RecentEvents...
Statistics for GNHLUG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors...
When Where What Who How many \ 20 Dec RubySIG w/ Maine RUG canceled/weather RubySIG 0 \ 16 Dec PySIG TBA TBA ??? \ 6 Dec...
IRC Presentation, Wed Nov 17 19:30 EST 2004 Information on IRC available at: IRC In irssi: irssi /connect /join #gnhlug Once there, you`ll find...
RPM Who: Paul Iadonisi What: RPM, the RPM/RedHat Package Manager When: 27 Mar 2001 Where: Nashua, NH Hosting Chapter: MerriLUGPast Slides...
When Where What Who How many \ 18 Dec MerriLUG Social gathering Anybody ??? 17 Dec PySIG Chat, Q A, good cheer Members 6 \...
When Where What Who How Many \ 28 Dec \ PySIG \ Decorators (notes) \ KentJohnson 10 \ 21 Dec \ MerriLUG \ Open mic/mini presentations...
When Where What Who How Many \ 27 Dec \ PySIG \ CANCELED \ members 0 \ 20 Dec \ MerriLUG \ Dinner, merriment, Linux talk \ Martha`s Exchange...
Particulars NOTE: This event has already occurred. This announcement page is kept for future reference. What MythTV Installation Assistance Where...
When Where What Who How many \ 17 Dec NH Drupal ( announcement) Jake Strawn ??? \ 14 Dec SLUG...
What Who When Where How Many DNS BenScott 15 Dec 2005 MerriLug 20 Cookies and Decorators PySIG 13 Dec...
Things to do in this Web WebTopicList A simple list of every Topic page in this Web WebIndex Topic pages in this Web, with details and excerpts...
GNHLUG Web Site Map This is a short list of major topics. For the full list, see the WebTopicList. WebHome Our home page AboutUs All about GNHLUG...
Good Stuff People in GNHLUG have tried this stuff and like it, or at least consider it worth considering. Mail UseNet News WWW The World Wide...
Want to get involved in GNHLUG? We welcome everyone. First, you don`t have to be an GNHLUG Organizer to get involved. Simply by attending meetings at one of OurChapters...
Introduction Linux and ham radio go together very well. They share much of the same spirit of freedom, independence, and `do it yourself` attitude. Perhaps not surprisingly...
Here are some web sites that we`ve found related to using Linux in schools and education. This is not for learning about Linux, but rather, using Linux for learning...
Linux User Groups Some other LUGs (Linux User Groups) in the area are: BLU Boston Linux Unix Users WLUG Worcester Linux Users...
What Who When Where 802.11 Wireless TravisRoy Mike Spinard 10 Dec 2002 CentraLUG X10 Home Automation BruceDawson...
Thanks! GNHLUG does not endorse any particular vendor, company, or distribution, but we would like to extend our thanks to those who have made contributions to make...
TBA is our most popular meeting topic and speaker. (TBA To Be Announced) See Also: TBD
TBD To Be Determined See also: TBA .TedRoche 03 Apr 2008
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