Hoss Traders 2005 - photos by Bill Sconce

  • Master Yoda supervises light saber training:
    Master Yoda supervises light saber training

  • Breaking clouds signal the end of Hosstraders. Governor declares state of emergency.:
    Breaking clouds signal the end of Hosstraders. Governor declares state of emergency.

  • Hardy explorers search for broadband.:
    Hardy explorers search for broadband.

  • Umbrellas are required gear for the final raffle drawing.:
    Umbrellas are required gear for the final raffle drawing.

-- TedRoche - 11 Oct 2005

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size DateSorted ascending Who Comment
JPEGjpg imgp0786.jpg r1 manage 59.2 K 2005-10-11 - 14:29 TedRoche Breaking clouds signal the end of Hosstraders. Governor declares state of emergency.
JPEGjpg imgp0791.jpg r1 manage 80.9 K 2005-10-11 - 14:27 TedRoche Master Yoda supervises light saber training
JPEGjpg imgp0795.jpg r1 manage 77.9 K 2005-10-11 - 14:43 TedRoche Umbrellas are required gear for the final raffle drawing.
JPEGjpg imgp0796.jpg r1 manage 96.8 K 2005-10-11 - 14:31 TedRoche Hardy explorers search for broadband.
Topic revision: r1 - 2005-10-11 - TedRoche

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