REVINFO{"format"} -- formatted revision information of topic

  • Syntax: %REVINFO{"format"}%
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    "format" Format of revision information, see supported variables below "r$rev - $date - $time - $wikiusername"
    web="..." Name of web Current web
    topic="..." Topic name Current topic
    rev="5" Specific revison number. Old RCS format "1.5" is also supported. Latest revision
  • Supported variables in format:
    Variable: Unit: Example
    $web Name of web Current web
    $topic Topic name Current topic
    $rev Revison number. Add prefix r to get the usual r5 format 5
    $username Login username of revision jsmith
    $wikiname WikiName of revision JohnSmith
    $wikiusername WikiName with Main web prefix Main.JohnSmith
    $date Revision date. Actual date format defined as {DefaultDateFormat} in configure, default $year-$mo-$day 2010-12-31
    $time Revision time 23:24:25
    $iso Revision date in ISO date format 2006-09-22T06:24:25Z
    $min, $sec, etc. Same date format qualifiers as GMTIME{"format"}  
  • Example: %REVINFO{"$date - $wikiusername" rev="1.1"}% returns revision info of first revision
  • Category: SystemInformationVariables
  • Related: GMTIME{"format"}, REVINFO
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Topic revision: r7 - 2013-11-27 - TWikiContributor

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