Add New TWiki Tip Of The Day

There are Custom Tips maintained on your local GNHLUG installation, Official TWiki Tips maintained on the web site, and Plugin Tips maintained by Plugin authors.

Add a Custom GNHLUG Tip

Custom tips are located in the Main web. You can add custom tips that are specific to your TWiki installation and to your organization in general.

New Custom Tip: TWikiCustomTip001

Add an Official TWiki Tip

Official TWiki tips are located in the TWiki web. Please do not submit new tips on your local TWiki installation since they will get lost on a TWiki upgrade. Visit TWiki:TWiki.TWikiTipsOfTheDayAddNew to contribute official TWiki tips.

New Official TWiki Tip: TWikiTip030

Add a TWiki Tip for a Plugin

If you are a plugin author you can ship your TWiki:Plugins/PluginPackage with one (or more) tip of the day topic. Create the Plugin tip of the day topic here, then package it with your plugin.

New Plugin Tip: (replace MyOwnPlugin with the name of your Plugin)

Related: TWikiTipsOfTheDay, TWikiTipsOfTheDayAdmin, TWikiTipsOfTheDayTemplate

-- Contributors: TWiki:Main/PaulineCheung, TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny - 2010-05-15

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Topic revision: r4 - 2010-05-15 - TWikiContributor

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