Please keep in mind that all of these people are volunteers and do other things for a living!

Real Name Wiki Name or Email Comments
David Berube DavidBerube Current FearlessLeader and Centralug Co-ordinator
Rob Lembree RobLembree FearlessLeader emeritus
Paul Lussier PaulLussier FearlessLeader emeritus
Ben Scott BenScott Part-time WebMaster, HossTraders, loud-mouth
Bruce Dawson BruceDawson Runs old servers and keeps the ball rolling
Ed Lawson EdLawson  
Mark Gelinas MarkGelinas ListMaster
Rich Payne rdp@talisman*REMOVE*  
Bill Sconce sconce@in-spec-inc*REMOVE*.com PySIG Leader
mike ledoux MikeLedoux once ran the NewUserNights
Rob Anderson rea@q*REMOVE* SLUG Co-ordinator
Ben Boulanger ben@blackavar*REMOVE*.com  
Guy Pardoe GuyPardoe MonadLUG Chief Instigator
Ted Roche TedRoche TWiki Tweaker, cat herder, PR
Heather Brodeur HeatherBrodeur GNHLUG TaskMaster
Bill McGonigle BillMcGonigle DLSLUG Co-ordinator
Ken D'Ambrosio not sure? MVLUG Co-ordinator

This page lists people for have volunteered. Other related topics:

This topic: Org > VolunteerList
Topic revision: r18 - 2023-12-13 - BenScott
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