Parent: PromotingOurselves

One problem we have is reaching our "target market": Local computer geeks. Computer geeks are notoriously hard to find. They don't read the social calendars in newspapers, they don't go to events, they're generally introverted. So how? Being a computer geek, I started thinking about how other organizations get in touch with me. One thing that occured to me was junk mail. I get tons of paper letters asking me to buy this or that product, or to join/donate to PBS, the ACM, the IEEE, and so on. Could we use this concept?

We could send a quick letter of introduction explaining GNHLUG to businesses and other organizations likely to harbor geeks. We could just put "Attention: IT Manager" or whatever on each envelope. Sure, a lot will go in the trash, but we might reach a lot of people, too.

The hard past is getting the list of addresses. Businesses pay big money for this sort of list. A couple ideas occur to me: We could just go through the yellow pages, looking in likely categories (tech companies), and make a list of addresses. Another idea would be to just have someone in each local area drive to their local business parks and stuff letters in mailboxes.

What do others think? -- BenScott - 11 Feb 2004

I think it is a good idea, but have some reservations:

  1. Cost. Producing our our JunkMail is likely to run $1USD a piece with printing, labor, envelopes and stamps, even if we do it ourselves.
  2. Return on effort: like you, I throw away four pleas a day from worthy charities I can't afford to support. 5% return makes new members cost $20 each.
  3. Alternatives. are there other ways we can get in touch with our TargetAudiences? Presentations, public events, booths at places like HossTraders, ComputerShows, etc? I think the LinuxWorldBoston2005 appearance has brought a few new members in.
-- TedRoche - 01 April 2005 (but serious, really)

This topic: Org > WebHome > PromotingOurselves > JunkMail
Topic revision: r2 - 2005-04-01 - TedRoche
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