User Resources

This is a page of links to tools and information for working with user accounts. Creating/registering, listing and searching, modifying, and so on. If you are looking for resources about using the website, please see SiteResources.

  • Passwords
    • ChangePassword - If you know your existing password, you can login, and then change it here
    • ResetPassword - If you have lost your password, you can request a reset
  • New user registration
  • Modifying user registration
    • TWikiMailAddr - Details about how TWiki handles e-mail addresses
    • ChangeEmailAddress - Change your registered e-mail address(es) in the TWiki user database
    • TWikiGuest - If you are logged in, this will take you to your user page, which you can edit to change other fields.
  • Finding users
    • TWikiUsers - A list of every user on the site
    • UserListByDateJoined - Similar, but sorted by account create date
    • UserListByLocation - Similar, but sorted by the user's given location
    • UserList - Users displayed as tiles, similar to business cards
    • UserBox - Users in a compact box, suitable for including on another page
    • TWikiGroups - Users can be collected into groups for easier management
  • Administrator resources
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Topic revision: r6 - 2024-02-08 - BenScott

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