User Registration Process for the GNHLUG Wiki

Do you need to register?

  • The only reason to register in TWiki is so you can edit this website
  • Registration is not required to participate in GNHLUG
    • You can call yourself a GNHLUG member without registering here
    • You can go to meetings or events without registering here
    • You can read and post to mailing lists without registering here
  • Already registered? You can:
  • Not sure if registered? Check the list of registered users

Registration requirements

Registration is public

Registration is subject to the terms in our LegalNotice.

In particular: Information you submit will be recorded and published on this wiki, including your name and email address. If you are not comfortable with that, please do not register.

WikiName requirements

Your user login name on this site -- your WikiName -- must be a WikiWord. That is:

  • It must begin with a capital letter
  • It must contain at least one other capital letter
  • It must contain at least one lowercase letter between two capital letters
  • It must contain only letters (A-Z and a-z) and digits (0, 1-9)

In short, it must look like this: WikiWord

Registration instructions

As part of the user registration process, you will need to know the register password. The username is register and the password is granite (both all lower case). This is not your own account password. This is a separate password, protecting the registration process itself. This is the only time you will need to use the register password. We get so many robo-spam registrations we had to put measures in place to stop them.

Now that you know that, you can proceed with the registration process:

  1. Navigate to the user registration form
  2. Fill in your name and e-mail address
  3. Fill in your desired password. This is your password (and not the register password)
  4. Optionally, adjust your WikiName if you dislike the default
  5. Optionally, fill in organization (company, school, etc.) and/or URL
  6. Click the "Submit" button
  7. When prompted for a username and password, enter the register password detailed above

After you submit the form and enter the register password, the system will:

  1. Register your account, so that you can login using your WikiName
  2. Create your personal Topic page, using your WikiName as the topic name
  3. Add your WikiName to the list of users in the Main.TWikiUsers topic
  4. Send you a confirmation e-mail about your registration

If you have any questions, please ContactUs!

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Topic revision: r5 - 2024-10-03 - BenScott

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Questions, comments, or concerns? Contact GNHLUG.
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