When |
Where |
What |
Who |
How many |
18 Dec |
MerriLUG |
Social gathering |
Anybody |
??? |
17 Dec |
Chat, Q&A, good cheer |
Members |
6 |
16 Dec |
RubySIG |
No regular meeting |
Nobody |
0 |
11 Dec |
MonadLUG |
***CANCELED*** |
Nobody |
0 |
8 Dec |
Unit testing (JUnit, Python, more) |
Rob Anderson |
??? |
4 Dec |
PyCUDA and GPU Programming |
Nicholas Sinnott-Armstrong |
??? |
2 Dec |
RubySIG |
Social gathering |
Anybody |
??? |
1 Dec |
CentraLUG |
Informal chat Q & A |
TedRoche |
5 |
25 Nov |
Rescheduled meeting |
??? |
20 Nov |
MerriLUG |
Photographic prowess via Linux tools (notes ) |
Máirín Duffy |
~20 |
18 Nov |
RubySIG |
No regular meeting |
Nobody |
0 |
17-20 |
Boston |
Professional Ruby Conference |
13 Nov |
MonadLUG |
Xen Virtual Machine Hypervisor |
Group |
??? |
10 Nov |
Server restored |
Ben Scott |
all |
10 Nov |
Ogg Theora video framework |
Matthew Craig |
??? |
6 Nov |
Ubuntu Server: A Comprehensive Overview |
Joseph Guarino |
??? |
3 Nov |
CentraLUG |
Open mic night |
Members |
1 |
23 Oct |
Server crashed |
Unknown |
all |
23 Oct |
Sphinx and more (notes ) |
Arc Riley |
12 |
21 Oct |
RubySIG |
Rails Plug-ins, REST (notes ) |
Nick Plante, Brian Turnbull |
8 |
16 Oct |
MerriLUG |
Communicating with Pidgins |
Heather Brodeur |
??? |
13 Oct |
HTTP Representational State Transfer |
Brian Turnbull |
??? |
9 Oct |
MonadLUG |
MySQL Replication |
Patrick Galbraith |
12 |
6 Oct |
CentraLUG |
Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex preview (notes ) (slides) |
ArcRiley |
8 |
2 Oct |
A Teaching Compiler written in MATLAB |
Bill McKeeman |
??? |
27/28 Sep |
Boston |
OpenStreetMap mapping parties |
Volunteers |
??? |
25 Sep |
2.6 discussion; SFD report; more! |
Members |
??? |
20 Sep |
SoftwareFreedomDay |
Members |
14+ volunteers |
18 Sep |
MerriLUG |
OpenStreetMap (slides ) (notes ) |
Richard Weait |
~15 |
16 Sep |
RubySIG |
HTTP; VPS; Rails Rumble |
Brian Turnbull, Scott Garman, Nick Plante |
9 |
11 Sep |
MonadLUG |
Postponed to October |
Nobody |
0 |
8 Sep |
HTTP for Fun and Profit |
Brian Turnbull |
6 |
4 Sep |
RSpec and BDD |
Ari Stuart Brown |
11 |
1 Sep |
CentraLUG |
No meeting (Labor Day) |
Nobody |
0 |
28 Aug |
Build your Own Search Service with Python |
Ray Côté |
??? |
21 Aug |
MerriLUG |
General, free-form meeting |
Members |
~8 |
19 Aug |
RubySIG |
Canceled |
Nobody |
0 |
14 Aug |
MonadLUG |
Ruby on Rails (notes ) |
David Berube |
11 |
11 Aug |
Programming Python picture toss |
Rob Anderson |
??? |
7 Aug |
Administrator in a Box (config automation) (notes ) |
James Fogg |
17 |
4 Aug |
CentraLUG |
Canceled |
Nobody |
0 |
31 Jul |
Board/Org meeting |
Volunteers |
9 |
30 July |
Hampton |
BBS: The Documentary (part 4) |
N/A |
??? |
24 July |
Improv "Intro to Python" (notes ) |
Members |
7 |
23 July |
Hampton |
BBS: The Documentary (part 3) |
N/A |
??? |
19 July |
UbuntuLoCo |
Org Meeting |
Members |
5 |
17 July |
MerriLUG |
Open Source Advocacy - Want to Help? |
Mark Boyajian |
12 |
16 July |
Hampton |
BBS: The Documentary (part 2) |
N/A |
??? |
15 July |
RubySIG |
The Merb Framework (notes ) |
Jeremy Durham |
10 |
14 July |
Qt Designer GUI builder |
Tucker Horton |
??? |
10 July |
MonadLUG |
N/A |
0 |
7 July |
CentraLUG |
Replaced by BBQ |
N/A |
0 |
6 July |
Summer BBQ 2008 |
People |
>30 |
3 July |
JUnit - Unit Testing Framework for Java |
Roger Trussell |
??? |
26 June |
Assignments (variables, not homework); favorite gotchas |
Members |
??? |
19 June |
MerriLUG |
MySQL (slides: HTML , PDF ) |
MarcNozell |
11 |
17 June |
RubySIG |
Google App Engine; Python for Ruby programmers |
Brian DeLacey |
??? |
14 June |
UbuntuLoCo |
Team Collaboration Event |
Members |
7 |
12 June |
MonadLUG |
General group discussion |
Members |
??? |
9 June |
Video editing |
Rob Anderson |
10 |
5 June |
Replication, Remote Access and Encryption with FUSE |
Bill Stearns |
22 |
2 June |
CentraLUG @ Hopkinton |
Open Source Advocacy (notes ) |
Mark Boyajian, BillSconce |
12 |
22 May |
IPython shell; MS Excel & SQLite & Python (notes ) |
Kent Johnson; members |
12 |
20 May |
RubySIG |
Rack web server ; NetBeans 6.1 IDE (notes ) |
Nick Plante; Scott Garman |
5 |
15 May |
MerriLUG |
Linux Digital Audio Workstation (slides) |
Christoph Doerbeck |
~22 |
12 May |
Generating XML with Python |
Rob Anderson |
??? |
8 May |
MonadLUG |
Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop |
TimWessels |
??? |
5 May |
CentraLUG |
The Linux Server That Could: Setting up a Small Office Server (notes ) |
BenScott |
19 |
2,3 May |
NEARfest |
Ham radio and stuff for sale |
Anyone |
Lots |
1 May |
Nifties! |
Members |
??? |
29 Apr |
Board/org meeting @ ABI |
Volunteers |
5 |
24 Apr |
Cookies, brownies, milk, Python |
Members |
8 |
17 Apr |
MerriLUG |
SELinux (notes ) |
Dan Walsh |
11 |
15 Apr |
RubySIG |
Live hackfest and help session (notes ) |
Members |
9 |
14 Apr |
Enlightenment Foundation Libraries |
Rob Anderson |
9 |
10 Apr |
MonadLUG |
Joomla 1.5 |
GuyPardoe |
16 |
7 Apr |
CentraLUG |
Developing FOSS for Win32 (Slides and code ) (notes ) |
ColemanKane |
8 |
3 Apr |
Quarterly Social Meeting @ Salt Hill Pub, 6 PM |
Members |
??? |
27 Mar |
PySoy game engine; urrllib2; more (notes ) |
Arc Riley; Kent Johnson; others |
17 |
20 Mar |
MerriLUG |
No specific topic/Peer Q&A (notes ) |
Members |
9 |
13 Mar |
MonadLUG |
Wine (Windows emulator) (notes ) |
PhilipSbrogna |
12 |
11 Mar |
RubySIG |
Web application frameworks: Rails and Django |
Brian Turnbull |
??? |
10 Mar |
Rosegarden MIDI music software |
Rob Anderson |
11 |
6 Mar |
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets (slides ) |
TedRoche |
15 |
3 Mar |
CentraLUG |
Scribus - desktop publishing |
EdLawson |
15 |
28 Feb |
Now You're Cookin': CSV filters, vote recounts, generators (notes ) |
Bill, Alex, members |
11 |
21 Feb |
MerriLUG |
Intro to MySQL (CANCELED ) |
MarcNozell |
~10 |
19 Feb |
RubySIG |
Lightning talks |
Members |
??? |
14 Feb |
MonadLUG |
Suse Linux SLED 10 (CANCELED ) |
TimWessels |
0 |
11 Feb |
RockBox |
Rob Anderson |
10 |
7 Feb |
Where Penguins Dare to Roam (audiocast ) |
David McPike |
??? |
4 Feb |
CentraLUG |
Introduction to Ruby on Rails |
DavidBerube |
8 |
24 Jan |
Book reviews (Django, others); hashlib; CSV filters |
Members |
7 |
17 Jan |
MerriLUG |
Python 101 (notes ) |
Kent Johnson |
~22 |
15 Jan |
RubySIG |
OpenID and ActionMailer (notes ) |
Nick Plante, ScottGarman |
7 |
14 Jan |
RockBox (CANCELED ) |
Rob Anderson |
0 |
10 Jan |
MonadLUG |
Revolution OS film (rescheduled) |
TimWessels |
6 |
7 Jan |
CentraLUG |
Low-power Linux computers (notes ) |
BruceDawson |
7 |
3 Jan |
Dinner @ Salt Hill |
All welcome |
??? |