These are the nominal policies of GNHLUG. Note that these pages are presently more descriptive than prescriptive. To the best of the author`s knowledge, they have...
We use a system of scripts called admchange to coordinate changes. The idea is to provide a mechanism to keep various admins (in different locations, and with different...
This section outlines methods and tools used to keep the server from dissolving into a chaotic mess. ServerChangeControl how we go about making non trivial...
Notes on test migration to my Debian development server (practice only, I`m not saying we MUST use Debian. Flame OFF.) Server was Debian unstable, about 3 weeks out...
GNHLUG Summer Summit 2005 This was held at Bruce and Carole`s farmhouse in Loudon, NH on 20 Aug 2005 between 9:30am and 5:30pm (more or less). It was the response...
Agenda Running Meetings (Wood Badge) maddog couldn`t say enough about the Scout`s `Wood Badge` program to train leaders. (Google it for some interesting tales.)...
Hello, and welcome to GNHLUG! We`re always happy to gain new members. :) I`m more than willing to try and answer any questions you may have, or at least try and...
The ListMaster manages the operation of the various e mail mailing lists. In the past, the lists used to be hosted at ZK3, a building in the vast Digital Equipment...
There are several mailing lists that operate independent of these. See MailingLists for them. The following are aliases at the domain. Note that several...
This page lists external web pages that have links to GNHLUG. We need to keep track of these pages, to update and correct any out of date information on them....
Here we collect documents related to our status as a legal entity. This should be `official` documents only, that actual have some force of reality behind them....
EdLawson 30 Jan 2004 The immediate goal of this project is to help NHSTE with its programs to introduce Linux to school technical personnel and to provide them with...
Minutes/notes from Autumn 2007 Board Meeting, Saturday, 3 November, 2007, at the Hopkinton, NH Town Library. Attendance Board Members MaddogHall TedRoche...
Projects concerning promotion of Linux in New Hampshire schools The GNHLUG web has a LinuxInSchools page with a few links. (Add some more.) There are two aspects...
The biggest help for Non Profits is removing their work burden. (And learning a new system is a really big burden for a lot of non profits). These are prime candidates...
As reported to the org mailing list on 22 Dec 2006: Two brief meetings were held prior to the Nashua GNHLUG last night. A meeting of the incorporators (those who...
GNHLUG web sites: main web site; currently an `alias` for the GNHLUG Wiki Web our Wiki; you`re reading...
What went on at the SummerSummit2006 meeting. Attendees: HeatherBrodeur, MattBrodeur, MadDog Hall, JimKuzdrall, RobLembree, BillMcGonigle, TedRoche, BillSconce,...
The idea is that we supply local public libraries with copies of FreeSoftware on CD. Those CDs could then be loaned out to library patrons, just like a book. We...
Why did we even bother getting our own server? See Also: ServerToDo, ServerGoals Background The GNHLUG websites and mailing lists (and some of the local GNHLUG stuff...
For the InternetServer project, we should have some explict goals. What are we trying to accomplish? What aren`t we trying to accomplish? This page is mainly...
One of our chronic problems is getting interest in GNHLUG, both from a `regular membership` standpoint, and from the standpoint of getting volunteers. This page is...
Some ideas for promoting Linux both locally and globally (but mostly locally) by group members and other interested parties are: Active HossTraders Proposed...
GNHLUG exists as a LegalEntity, but (so far) mainly for legal purposes, not for actually organizing activities. In order to maintain the LegalEntity, the organizers...
We had a `New User Night` project at one time. It is currently abandoned. The concept of HelpFests has been suggested to replace it. See also the NuN Topic in the...
Throughout GNHLUG`s life there`s be an active voice against membership fees. The reasons voiced have been: We don`t need membership fees. It would create...
Parent: MeetingGuide Related: ArtWork, GiftStock This is where (someday) you will find posters, arrows, banners, etc., for use at meetings. This page might contain...
Note: this page is a synthesis of the former pages MeetingIdeas and MeetingSpeakers. We`re trying to normalize our redundant data a bit. The following table lists...
LinuxWorld Expo is held in Boston April 3 6, 2006, with a tradeshow Expo on the 4th, 5th and 6th. GNHLUG is...
Overview has been announced that the Hosstraders event itself has been discontinued. Hosstraders was a big hamfest (amateur radio festival) and `flea market for...
Combine the old style `Linux install fest` with elements of our abandoned NewUserNight project to create a HelpFest. A HelpFest would be targeted at anyone who needs...
GNHLUG is divided into several smaller `chapters` or `mini LUGs` (see OurChapters). BenScott 03 Apr 2005 Or is GNHLUG an `umbrella` GNHLUG for shared resources...
Drafted for handouts for the GNHLUG booth at HossTraders. Letter sized poster appropriate to tape to doors with directions to meeting. GNHLUG and logo GNHLUG...
Now that we`re a real LegalEntity, we`re supposed to get a bank account. Banking needs We`re basically just looking for a checking account. Doesn`t have to earn...
Parent: InternetServer General It seems regular (monthly, if not weekly or even daily) software updates have been the norm these days. As some of these updates will...
Ideally, it would be nice to have everything on a system under some kind of formal revision control. This would let everyone see who changed what, when they did it...
Places to post meeting announcements are in the table below. Please post notices only to those regions the event is in! Region Paper Submission Page...
The group`s Fearless Leader (AKA Chairperson) is currently .TedRoche. Past leaders have been: Jon (.MadDog) Hall (1995 2000) .JerryKubeck (2000 2001)...
Notes/minutes from 2009 October Board Meeting. Location Time: Saturday, 3 October, 2009 Space: Small Meeting Room, West Branch of the Manchester Public...