GNHLUG is the Greater New Hampshire Linux User Group.

GNHLUG is made up of people who have interests in both Linux and the state of New Hampshire. In this case, the term "Linux" is really NotJustLinux. We try to promote Linux and Open Source in New Hampshire. We also try to sponsor other events, like Linux for Business nights.

We have several pages AboutLinux here, with resources for newcomers as well as experienced Penguin people.

GNHLUG requires no dues or formal commitments. Members of GNHLUG are members because they say they are. If you have an interest in Linux, we extend an open invitation and welcome.

GNHLUG provides several MailingLists (e-mail mailing lists) which are open to people of all levels of experience and all topics of discussion. See the MailingLists page for more information, to read archives of past discussion, or to subscribe.

GNHLUG has multiple chapters throughout NH. OurChapters exist to provide geographic centers for in-person meetings on a regular basis (usually monthly). These meetings are a major part of the GNHLUG experience. Please see the OurChapters page to find meeting times, topics, and places.

GNHLUG would like to say ThanksTo our supporters. These companies, organizations, and people make GNHLUG possible. Please consider their patronage.

We also have a bit about OurHistory here.

Feel free to GetInvolved.

Many of our members are registered in TWiki: TWikiUsers

GNHLUG does not endorse any particular "Linux company" or "Linux distribution".

This topic: GNHLUG > AboutUs
Topic revision: r6 - 2008-06-03 - BenScott
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