What The Linux Server That Could: Setting up a Small Office Server
Who BenScott
Where CentraLUG
Date Mon 5 May 2008
Time 7:00 PM

The slides and config files associated with this presentation are attached to this page. The slides are S5 Slides, and should work in any web browser. Just open the top-level HTML file. For the config files, please note that you WILL need to customize them for your installation. The files are generally well-commented, and anything you must change is generally tagged with the string CHANGEME.

If you have questions, comments, feedback, etc., please feel free to contact the author. You can also post questions to the gnhlug-discuss mailing list; there are lots of people there who can help.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size DateSorted descending Who Comment
Unknown file formatgz aioserv-May08-conf.tar.gz r1 manage 32.1 K 2008-05-06 - 20:12 BenScott Config files
Compressed Zip archivezip aioserv-May08-slides.zip r1 manage 13.8 K 2008-05-06 - 20:13 BenScott Slides
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Topic revision: r2 - 2008-05-13 - BenScott

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