GNHLUG> GNHLUG Web>RecentEvents (revision r1.456)EditAttach

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When Group What Who How many
22 Sep PySIG The GIMP! Paul Beaudet
19 Sep RubySIG MVC Programming with Backbone.js Jason Morrison 12
12 Sep SLUG No meeting/DIY Nobody 0
8 Sep MonadLUG The Future of MonadLUG Anyone Interested ???
1 Sep DLSLUG Nifties will Rebuild! Members ???
25 Aug PySIG No particular topic Members ???
23 Aug ManchLUG ??? ??? ???
15 Aug RubySIG Rails 3 in Practice BrianTurnbull 12+
11 Aug MonadLUG Cancelled ??? 0
8 Aug SLUG ??? ??? ???
4 Aug DLSLUG Btrfs; Hackathon William Stearns; Ryan Lewis ???

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* = No affiliation with GNHLUG; courtesy link

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Topic revision: r456 - 2011-11-16 - TedRoche

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