GNHLUG> GNHLUG Web>RecentEvents (revision r1.429)EditAttach

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When Group What Who How many
28 Oct PySIG TBA TBA ???
26 Oct ManchLUG org-mode for Emacs MarcNozell ???
18 Oct RubySIG Open Forum, Hacking session RubySIG ???
14 Oct MonadLUG Alsa Sound Architecture PhilipSbrogna ???
11 Oct SLUG Mind Mapping Tools RobertAnderson ???
7 Oct DLSLUG About Lisp -or- Lambda, the Ultimate Lecture (notice) Yoni Rabkin ??
4 Oct CentraLUG @ NHTI Film: Patent Absurdity (notes) CentraLUG 5
28 Sep ManchLUG Project Caua (notes) MadDog 18
23 Sep PySIG Django Slides/Handouts BillFreeman 7
13 Sep SLUG Object orientation orientation Rob Anderson ???
9 Sep MonadLUG Alsa Sound PhilipSbrogna ???
6 Sep CentraLUG Labor Day holiday - No meeting N/A 0
2 Sep DLSLUG Building a Sheet Music Publishing System Dan Grover ???
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* = No affiliation with GNHLUG; courtesy link
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Topic revision: r429 - 2010-11-01 - TedRoche

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