GNHLUG> GNHLUG Web>RecentEvents (revision r1.333)EditAttach

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When Group What Who How many
4 May CentraLUG @ Sybase MySQL Optimization ColeTuininga 16
1 May GamingSIG TeeWorlds LAN Party GamingSIG 10
30 Apr RubySIG Finite State Machines, Git Russ Jones, Nick Quaranto 14
23 Apr PySIG Using Python to Solve Radar Problems Bruce Labitt 9
13 Apr SLUG Optimizing MySQL ColeTuininga ???
11 Apr GamingSIG Blender 101 & Warzone 2100 GamingSIG 5
9 Apr MonadLUG Infamous
mysteriously incapacitated
Debian box
Charles Montgomery ?
6 Apr CentraLUG Open Source Business Models, Part II CentraLUG 4
2 Apr DLSLUG Nifties! DLSLUG 10
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Topic revision: r333 - 2009-05-04 - TedRoche

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