GNHLUG> GNHLUG Web>RecentEvents (revision r1.308)EditAttach

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When Group What Who How many
9 Feb SLUG Year In Review RobertAnderson 8
5 Feb DLSLUG Planning Meeting Members ???
2 Feb CentraLUG Open Source Business Models (announcement) CentraLUG 14
22 Jan PySIG C extensions in Python 3.0 (handouts), Kent's Korner (notes) ArcRiley, Kent Johnson 13
15 Jan RubySIG Review Ramp, Cucumber, Dynamic Record Jonathan Linowes 14
15 Jan MerriLUG TBA TBA ???
12 Jan SLUG PlayStation 3/UPnP/DLNA Rob Anderson ???
8 Jan MonadLUG KDE4 Overview PhilipSbrogna ???
8 Jan DLSLUG Annual Social Meeting, Salt Hill Pub All ???
8 Jan MonadLUG KDE4 Overview Philip Sbrogna 9
18 Dec MerriLUG Social gathering Anybody ???
17 Dec PySIG Chat, Q&A, good cheer Members 6
16 Dec RubySIG No regular meeting Nobody 0
11 Dec MonadLUG ***CANCELED*** Nobody 0
8 Dec SLUG Unit testing (JUnit, Python, more) Rob Anderson ???
4 Dec DLSLUG PyCUDA and GPU Programming Nicholas Sinnott-Armstrong ???
2 Dec RubySIG Social gathering Anybody ???
1 Dec CentraLUG Informal chat Q & A TedRoche 5
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Topic revision: r308 - 2009-02-10 - TedRoche

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