---++ PySIG * Python Special Interest Group * Coordinators * Primary: Main.BillSconce * Alternate: [[http://www.alexhewitt.com/][Alex Hewitt]] * Alternate: [[http://astore.amazon.com/cheep-escali-20?node=1][escali primo digital scale]] * Alternate: [[http://astore.amazon.com/suncaststore-20?node=12][suncast outdoor shed]] * Alternate: [[http://astore.amazon.com/bissellstore-20?node=109][bissell upright carpet cleaner]] * Meetings * Fourth Thursday of most months (holidays, etc., allowing) * 7 PM to 9 PM * [[Amoskeag Business Incubator]], 33 South Commercial Street, Manchester, NH * Mailing list: http://www.dlslug.org/mailman/listinfo/python-talk * Members: Main.PythonSpecialInterestGroup * [[http://astore.amazon.com/gracoproducts-20?_encoding=UTF8&node=11][graco duoglider lxi stroller]] * [[http://astore.amazon.com/bissellstore-20/detail/B00008NRTV][bissell 1867 steam mop bare floor steam cleaner]]
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Topic revision: r17 - 2009-06-09 - ProLan
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