
From the South:

To get to the New Hampshire Technical Institute, take I-93 North to Exit 14, Fort Eddy Road. The ramp branches into four lanes, you'd do best in either of the middle two. Proceed through the first light past a strip mall on the right with Boston Market, Einstein Bros and FedEx/Kinkos, and a second mall with Shaws et al. Proceed through the second light past Borders on the right and Hannaford on the left. (If you make it for dinner, Panera is the second driveway past Hannaford's on the left.) Continue straight past yet-another-mall with Market Basket and Lowes and through a third light. The road curves to the left after the light and slows to 20 mph as it enters the NHTI campus. The security force is pretty strict about enforcing the speed limit.

Proceed through the curve to the left and a stop sign. Take a right and your first left into the parking lot. The building with the clock tower you're facing is the library. The entrance is on the far side and is easier to reach going around the right side of the building. Once inside, walk past the main desk and into the corridor that goes off to the left. We're on the last room, numbered 146 on the right before a closed door.

From the East:

393 East to Exit 1. Left at the end of the ramp. Follow directions about starting with "Proceed through the curve"

From the North:

Take 393 East to Exit 1. To proceed directly to the meeting, take a left at the light at the end of the ramp. To join us for dinner at Panera, take a right at the light. Panera is the 3rd right.

From the West:

I-89 South to I-93 North. Follow the "Fron the South" directions from there.

-- TedRoche - 19 Feb 2007

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Topic revision: r1 - 2007-02-19 - TedRoche
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