GNHLUG Mailing Lists

GNHLUG provides several e-mail mailing lists at the "state" level. These are open to everyone (not just NH residents).

To subscribe to a list, click the link next to "Subscriptions", and follow the instructions on the resulting page. Note that when you subscribe, a confirmation message will be sent to the e-mail address you provided. You will need to respond to that message before your subscription will be activated.

To change your mailing list settings (including password):

  1. Direct your browser to
  2. Select the mailing list you want to change. (gnhlug-announce, gnhlug-discuss, ...)
  3. At the bottom of the page (To change your subscription ...) enter the email address you are currently subscribed as (e.g. bruce@some*REMOVE* and Click on the "Edit Options" button.
  4. Update your settings.

Note: To change your subscription address, you will need to subscribe your new address, and then unsubscribe your old address. Then change the settings of your new address (if necessary).

Mail sent to all of these lists is archived automatically in various locations. See the links below. Note that, for historical reasons, different archives may have different sets of messages.

For information on the administration of the mailing lists, please go to this page: ServerMailLists

General Discussion (gnhlug-discuss)

This is the major GNHLUG online community. Ask and answer questions, share knowledge and experiences, voice and hear opinions, or just sit back and watch. Think of this as a "virtual meeting", being held all the time, attended by everyone. Activity varies from a few messages a week to a few messages a day, with very occasional bursts of a few dozen messages in one day.

Announcements (gnhlug-announce)

Information on meetings and other special happenings will be posted to this list. This list gets only a few messages each month. Note that all announcements are automatically repeated to the gnhlug-discuss list, so if you are subscribed to gnhlug-discuss, you do not need to subscribe to gnhlug-announce as well.

Jobs (gnhlug-jobs)

Are you looking for work? Do you have work that needs to be done? Subscribe to this list, or search the archives. There is a wealth of diverse talent in the area.

Organization (gnhlug-org)

This list is devoted to discussion and record about the organization and operation of GNHLUG itself. It is recommended that people who are looking to "get involved" subscribe to this list. Help GNHLUG do things, and do more. Activity varries from long periods of silence to brief periods of intense discussion.

System Admin (gnhlug-sysadmin)

GNHLUG IT System Administration. This list provides a home for the tech discussion needed to maintain our own Internet operations. Server configuration planning and operations are the major topic for this list. Changes to the system configuration of GNHLUG servers should be noted on this list, to keep all operators informed, and to provide a change log. Technical proposals can also be discussed here.

GNHLUG Chapter, PySIG and RubySIG Mailing Lists

Several of the local chapters of GNHLUG maintain their own mailing lists, for specialized and/or local discussions and announcements.

This topic: GNHLUG > Presentations > MailingLists
Topic revision: r27 - 2016-08-03 - TedRoche
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